So, it’s March and that means Mutable, baby! We’re flowing and floating like the best Pisces know how to make look effortless, so for the non-Mutables among us, take note of how easy it can be to just BE.

Bonnie Gillespie's Aligned Hustle Calendar Promo
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(Want a calendar so you can plan out your most impact-filled days ahead of time? The Aligned Hustle Calendar is packed with all the moon phases, numerology of each day, and big astro, delivered to you in advance of each new month. Your calendar subscription comes with 5 MP3s on how to use all the info on that month-at-a-glance planner!)

This month, I’m totally practicing what I preach with how we can all learn from the level of CHILL the most flow-going Pisces folks can embody (and even “embody” is the wrong word, since their vibe can be so very transcendent of the human experience) and simply sharing something one of my very favorite Capricorns created for our Aligned Advantage membership.

Instagram March 2021 March 2021 GSD Days Marie Watkins Bonnie Gillespie

It’s an at-a-glance GSD days guide for the month of March. GSD, of course, means “get shit done” in the Bonniverse, and while you can use the full calendar linked above to plot out your life beyond GSD energy, in true Capricorn fashion, this is what the amazing Marie Watkins has built for us.

March 2021 GSD Days Marie Watkins Bonnie Gillespie

Click these thumbnails to grab your own larger, high-res versions for phone wallpaper and Instagram use. Thank you, Marie, for the first of what will be many cool collaborative offerings to come!

Now here’s a stripped-back version of what I’ve been producing here at the BonBlogs monthly, to further lean in on the chill of it all and to trust that those of you who want to go deeper with my woo calendar can and will enroll in Aligned Advantage, where we meet for monthly Zoom meetings to dive in on an astrological concept you can apply to your daily life PLUS all the strategy for how to rig the month’s calendar in your favor, using the gifts I cultivated as a brilliant astrologer’s one and only baby girl.

This is an 8 month (power, baby) and since Pisces is in charge for most of it, let’s set that intuitive power on fire! We’ve got Mars moving into Gemini on the 3rd, which could mean some pretty intense debates, social conflict, and big ideas coming through. When Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on the 4th, tensions can cool down a bit, so these two days could be a one-two punch in some ways!

The next big astro of the month is on the 10th when the sun conjuncts Neptune, creating an ultra-sensitive, ultra-creative spotlight on so many things. There can also be a deceptive energy where Neptune is involved (it is the actor planet, after all), but I like this vibe for all the creativity it’s going to bring into focus. On the 13th, Venus follows suit and does its Neptune conjunct, creating some dreamy, compassionate vibes to your love-money-beauty-value setpoints.

Also on the 13th, we’ve got our new moon in Pisces, so plant those seeds for the BIGGEST dreams you can fathom. Pisces is legendary for full-on psychic downloads so do not let your logical brain stop you with what you’re capable of bringing into your fantasies for what the next six months may bring.

Mercury moves into Pisces on the 15th and this will be a quick tour there, making our communication way more non-verbal, way more non-committal… and watch your dreams. Seriously keep a dream journal by the bed. Major downloads, y’all. On the 16th, the sun sextiles Pluto, which brings about some powerful purpose and a driven sense of what changes we humans can make.

On the 20th, we shift from Pisces season to Aries season, marking the start of our zodiacal calendar. Happy new year! The Spring equinox is on a 1 day, numerologically, so it’s a lovely new beginning in so many ways. Remember the codeword for Aries is PUPPY. Yeah, I know, it’s the ram and all that, but the energy is frenetic and feisty and excited to discover all the things! Enjoy this kickstart of GSD energy. It’ll be impossible to ignore.

The Mars-Saturn trine on the 21st is going to allow us to optimize systems but the work will feel like a bit of a slog. We’ll have the energy for it, but we won’t whistle while we work, let’s say. Also on this day we have Venus moving into Aries, creating a more impulsive tone to our spending and our love life!

When Mercury squares Mars on the 23rd, we *again* have this “count to ten” energy that’s already hit us a couple o’ times this year. Seriously, there could be stress and conflict and less-fun encounters under the sensitive Cancer moon early that day and of course the ego-strutting Leo moon we get later that day could decide that thing that felt like hurt feelings earlier in the day deserves a fight by sundown. Count. To. Ten.

On the 25th, we’ve got that Leo sun conjunct Venus to look forward to and it’s a bit of a reset thanks to that alignment of pleasure, comfort, ego, and indulgence. Do things that feel great especially at home, thanks to the 6 numerology of this day. Watch out for overdoing it, though, as we transition from Leo to Virgo late in the day and — while I’m not yet deep enough in my knowledge of NODES to say for sure on this — there’s a Mars transit with the north node that can exacerbate this hunger for excess.

We have our full moon in Libra on the 28th and that’s a great time to release any old partnerships or attachment to unfair situations (stuff that Libra likes to handle). Especially anything that looked like it might start happening six months ago (at the last Libra new moon), go ahead and cut ties. If it’s meant to happen, it’ll come back in a new form.

On the 29th, Mercury conjuncts Neptune which ramps up that creative — yet deceptive — style of communication. There will be some seriously cool ideas floating around, but as we head into our Scorpio moon here and then get our 2 numerology going, you can expect to be a little PLUS-EXTRA sensitive about what it all might mean, on the 30th. Wrap yourself in bubble-wrap here, if you can.

We end the month with a goal-smashing energy thanks to the sun sextiling Saturn on the 31st! That 3 numerology helps too! This month is going to feel fast considering how last March felt. Enjoy all the cycles of it and remember to use Marie’s awesome GSD graphics to align your moon phases and numerology to allow for the most progress out there on the aligned hustle!

Lemmeknow how you like this pared-down version of the monthly update! I know… it’s still pretty dense and it’s even a light month as “big astro” goes, so I’m laughing over here at what I consider to be a LAZY approach to this month’s post. 😉 What can I say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ SO many Cardinal signs, born an 8, 15 natal squares… I will always do the most!

Remember, if all of this feels so great that you’d like to go deeper with me on exploring the woo calendar AND MORE, join me for Aligned Advantage or at the very least, grab my free training, What Your Birthday Says About You.

Much love and magic,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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