Over at our awesome Chart Harmony Discord, I get asked questions. Recently, one of our Live Your Chart members was concerned about her pop boarding a flight during a particularly “watch out for accidents” transit coming up. (That would be Mars square Saturn, coming up in a few days.)

A specific detail you’ll need to appreciate the style of my advice here is that our member’s father is not all that open to the woo. That said, his daughter (our LYC member) is so often correct when she predicts things that he now jokingly calls her “the family psychic.” So, if you find yourself in the position of “family psychic” or the “friend who loves the astro-memes,” what follows will help you share your woo awareness with those who are less open to astrology, numerology, and all those glorious New Age tools.

Basically, this is how to advise caution re: concerns that YOU have due to the woo weather while using NO WOO TERMS for the non-believer who is headed right smack into the middle of that woo weather.

First: The Placebo Effect is REAL. Even when we know we’re being given a placebo to relieve a headache, the brain registers less headache pain upon taking the pill. Almost to the same amount of headache reduction that the actual drug creates.

Sure, there’s a tiny percentage of humans whose brains are not tricked by The Placebo Effect and those folks also are less likely to receive benefits of actual drugs… but the average human brain is gonna benefit from whatever pill they take when the convo/attention is on the pill delivering (or mimicking) a benefit.

Second: Perceptual Sets are REAL. Call it Law of Attraction, call it seeing what we want to see, call it Chaos Theory meets the eventual existence of the exact pattern we believe we are predicting… it’s all real and it’s “what you focus on expands.”

In a shitty mood? You’re going to encounter more shitty-mood-expanding conditions. In a state of delight and joy? You’ll still encounter shitty-mood-expanding conditions but they won’t have an impact on you in the same way. You — and the shitty-mood person — will both also encounter lots of delight and joy… guess who’s gonna notice it more.

Third: Telling someone we want them to be safe, check conditions, ALLOW SNAGS TO SLOW THEM DOWN, and always go with their gut is not a bad thing! Especially since your dad knows you’re psychic and can lightheartedly trust you when you say you’ve got some kind of feeling about something (and he’s sure you’re gonna be right… therefore you are, to him), we want to help him hear you say: “If they offer to bump you to another flight in exchange for an upgrade and night in a nice hotel by the airport, TAKE IT,” and then remember that you’ve said that when the offer happens during his travel.

Fourth: YOU can do spellwork, a small altar, a quick candle, or you can even hold a crystal during specific times that help you connect to your dad while you put him in a bubble of protection. You are powerful enough that it doesn’t matter what he thinks or even knows! You can “put him in the light” as my mother the astrologer would always say.

Fifth: Just because the astrological conditions are “bad” doesn’t mean that the worst possible outcome is what’s going to happen… and the happening can’t possibly happen to every single person on the planet simultaneously anyway. 😉

This is where you want to look at HIS CHART if you can, and see whether his natal situation is getting particularly agitated by the transit in question. Use that info to further inform your altar of protection, how you advise him to trust his gut, etc.

(BTW, looking at HIS CHART will also show you where he *is* most open to woo convos, so you can find your way in for that, if you’d like to build toward more free-flowing discussions about astrology and Chart Harmony.)

And finally: IF he’s willing, you can always get him to carry a “worry stone” in his pocket (AKA an actual crystal of protection) or pop a little sachet of black salt and some protective herbs, stones, etc., into his luggage. If all of that would scare him too much, then do those things around a photo of him at your own altar.

Oh, wait… NOW finally-finally: Once you’ve done your workings, LET EVERYTHING GO. Don’t keep thinking about it — definitely don’t keep thinking about what could go wrong — and when he floats into your mind, put him in that white light and MOVE ON.

Because your beliefs are powerful and we want you seeing him spry and social and having a blast on this international trip!

Okay, now you! Do you have folks in your life who are less into astrology than you are? How do you stay helpful in your shares without scaring them off because of a difference in beliefs? Comments are open just below! (And remember to come join us at the Chart Harmony Discord if you’d like to connect with our woo community.)

Much love and safe travels,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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