am in.
and it is redonk how VERY hot it gets
(seemingly from out of nowhere).

I’m popping off like it’s my JOB to rage at (especially dominant culture/generational privilege) people.

:mars: :fire: :mars: :boom: :mars: :fire: :mars:
:mars: 🔥 :mars: 💥 :mars: 🔥 :mars:

My goal: Don’t let my politeness/Libra stellium/need to keep everyone happy + debilitated natal Mars create a situation where I push that fire INWARD (where it sent me to the hospital multiple times last profection year of its rulership).


I can tell the work I’ve been doing to create a healthier/more balanced relationship with Mars over the past few years has made a big difference in how he’s presenting in my day-to-day and we’re only a couple o’ weeks into this new profection year. [Check out some of the planetary remediation I’ve done here.]

I’m so grateful for all the work I’ve done and hopeful we find a good level of fire together this year.

[If you’d like to partake in my free webinar on annual profection and astrology, head over here to sign up for YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME. It’s really good. Even if you’re a woo-newbie and not even sure what a profected ruler is. I’ve gotchuu! Come over to Discord to discuss… or pop off in the comments below.]

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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