✨ Are you all set to thrive in 2025? 🔮

I’ve just added a trigger warning to the replay of my year-ahead webinar, How to Survive 2025: Astrology for Wild Times. And here it is, in full, so you can read it before you commit to accessing the replay of our fabulous webinar.


The world is a lot.

This is not news.

That you are here, exploring Chart Harmony (and astrology and numerology in general), shows me you are open to there being a better, easier, more grace-filled interpretation of the struggles we face and the energy at large right now.

Thank you for that. Your openness to optimism is everything. Keep leaning into that.

Here is a blog post I wrote in late 2023 about the astrology of 2024, 2025, and 2026. We’re in the thick of it, y’all. It’s gonna get weirder and faster. And potentially way more stressful too. Please hold close those you love and let yourself be loved as well.

Community is VERY important to me (my chart ruler, Venus, is in the 11th house, after all). Please connect with us. Just being present is sometimes all we need to feel better. Don’t worry that you’re new to any of this. Don’t feel out of place because you learned this stuff another way. Don’t “other” yourself (there are plenty of other people out there doing that already). Trust your KNOWING; it is real. And you are beautiful, appreciated, and loved here.

Please consume the materials here with a plan for taking breaks frequently. The nervous system isn’t designed to consume as much high-energy/high-contrast stuff at once as we tend to subject ourselves to (thanks, hustle culture). Rest when you feel that you need to (and err on the side of overdoing the rest, underdoing the work assigned to you). Align with your joy. And never feel wrong for believing in the best version of our world.

You are an important part of that best version. As you are, right now.

Okay. Thanks for reading that. I feel it’s important. YOU are important. Self-care is important. Holding space for what we’re experiencing is important. (And thank you to everyone who has been checking on my kidney stone home-birthing experience. We’re still waiting for the big moment… so I’ve been heavily drugged up and sleeping nonstop since the live webinar. While I don’t recommend kidney stones, I definitely recommend sleeping for 22 hours straight.)

If you’re scratching your head about the whole kidney stones thing, that means you likely missed the fun of How to Survive 2025: Astrology for Wild Times live, huh? No worries! We’ve got your REPLAY all set up for you over here. Make sure you grab your UPDATED workbook while you’re there!

I’ve opened up the comments area so you can feel free to connect with us about your Chart Harmony practices and how you’re finding ways to thrive through some unreal woo weather ahead! To join us in my Live Your Chart membership (be sure to use promo code WEBINAR to get $22 off your first month), head right over here. And if you’d like my most affordable live-Zoom option, re-vision-ing is right here. If you’re thinking of doing both, wait to get into the DISCOUNTS page at LYC before signing up for anything else. You’ll want those discount codes!

And because I want everyone to be able to access our work without stress, I’m making my LYC-members-only (therefore deeply discounted) 1-on-1 coaching session available to you ALL. This link is only good through the end of 2024. So, use the link this month (even if you want to schedule the session to take place in 2025). For non-LYC members, this is a session in which we can look at your chart and do the calendar-mapping of your chartwheel together. Fun, right? I’m excited to see you soon!

HUGE thanks to my AH-may-zing team for helping build this event (and replay) for us, as well as for providing so much support for us as a group… with so much encouraging and wonderful goodness happening in the chat. What! A! Blast!

And of course, THANK YOU for being so excited about all of this! Your joy for our shared experience is something that makes us ALL glow and grow!

Wherever you connect with us from here, please know that I love seeing you bring astrology to life. THANK YOU for inviting me to witness the impact of the Chart Harmony work in your lived experience. It is pure joy for me to know that you’re feeling more balance, more ease, and more calm during these wild times.

We’ve got this,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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