
Let’s get right to it.

The woo weather from 2024 through 2026 took a look at the woo weather from 2020 through 2023 and said, “Hold my beer.”

There are multiple once-in-a-lifetime transits happening all within months of one another and many of them have planets moving out of slow, receptive, measured positions into fast, assertive, unpredictable ones.

Here’s the good news: We’ve all lived through every single transit that’s ever happened in our lives and we’ll continue to make it through all the rest of ’em that we’re meant to experience before our time in these particular skin suits is over.

What’s ahead for us is world-shifting stuff, and it’s coming at us more rapidly than we’re used to seeing such quantum changes happening.

Tools like Chart Harmony exist as options for navigating the daily experience we’re each having with as much ease and flow as possible. Because while everything “out there” is getting weirder and wilder, our connection with the universe, our ability to access our own enoughness, and our centeredness in general are more important than ever.

Creating community around the plan•it planner is not an accident. Venus — my chart ruler — is in the 11H, so I rarely do something that aligns with my values (a Venus keyword) without building a support system for it (that’s the 11H of it all). While on its surface it may be a weekly planner (or, as we code-named it in-house while I was building it: FLEEKLY FLANNER), it’s meant to be experienced. Connected with. Brought into your life and danced among. Interpreted and built upon.

Your chart is *always* trying to connect with you. It’s a map of who your soul came here to be. And as we live through dominant culture’s musts and our family’s shoulds and all manner of other things that take us off the map we were born with, we begin to question why we now crave so much from parts of ourselves that feel somehow familiar, but that we barely know.

See any moment you engage in a Chart Harmony ritual as a mini-trek back to a piece of your soul you’re ready to get to know better.


At the very least.

Have a less-bumpy Mercury retrograde next time.


To connect with various Chart Harmony offerings, head over here! Thank you for letting me get to know you through your chart. It is an honor and I treasure you for your openness and connection.

Much love,

written December 28th 2023, the 23rd anniversary of Charlsie’s transition

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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