Sometimes, your job (your = my)
is telling someone with money… that there is a wee bit bad news.
Nothing personal. Just sayin’…
Sometimes there is just WAY. BAD. NEWS.
And you still clock in and do your best. And sometimes you’re told you’re BRILLIANT b/c you created an option where one did not exist moments ago.
And sometimes bad news is good news. Just sayin’.
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See, that’s why you don’t play Brutal Cliff with producers…
I constantly stay in awe at the grace you live with and under. You’re truly an inspiration.
I could use some good news, I’ve already got enough bad;)
I’m a little owrried, Bonnie hasn’t been on MySpace in over 24 hours!
Bon, are you ok?
Blog hijack – for the blogathon Treasure Hunt!
Here’s your next puzzle:
That’s a great Showfax column. Love it.