Alan Gates’ Declaration

So, last month, I issued a challenge to readers of The Actors Voice to declare what it is that you can — and will — do, as we close out 2012! Your responses keep flowing in and I thank you for that. 🙂 This week’s declaration (and a thank you) comes from Alan Gates.

Dear Bonnie,

I attended your seminar in Dallas for SAG Foundation’s actor thing in February. I was really impressed with all your knowledge and insight. I have recently parted from a spaghetti throwing agent and I feel I’m standing at a crossroads, as I don’t have any good footage of my acting to land a good agent.

So I am trying to dedicate myself to getting back to the craft and reading and performing scripts for the love and progression to better my core as a actor (rather than to land a gig) and get back to the root of where the dream began to be genuinely inspired.

I enjoy your BonBlasts and have gained a lot of knowledge as I am sitting on set of One Heart as an extra (neighbor with a car), once again I find myself with some time to reflect on things.

But above all I just wanted to take the time to thank you for doing what you do.
Alan Gates

Alan, thank you. My time in Dallas was amazing and I look forward to heading back your way! I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to dig down and work toward getting footage and improving as an actor — and always finding the love in what you do — as you transition from one agent to another. Stay inspired! It’s so good for you! 🙂

Who’s next, y’all? Any more year-end declarations? I’d love to hear ’em! Let’s celebrate your ability to call out your goals and walk toward ’em. Yay!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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