Paul Revere had his Midnight Run. Mine was to Kinko’s. And $109 (and 40 minutes) later, the typeset book was copied thrice for my Queens of Style (Courtney, Nini, and Robin), who will now give the book the once-over.
Meanwhile, I’ll continue culling quotes for the What Others Are Saying section and busting ass to get the manuscript fully, accurately indexed (now that it’s been put into the publishing software).
*contented sigh* (but a brief one, as I can’t really stop work just yet)
I did take a break long enough to sleep for four hours and take this quiz. Seeing as I’ve never seen The OC, I have no idea what these results mean. But hey, the chick is hot, yo.
You scored as Julie. You are obsessed with status and prestige because you are invested in what other people think. Learn to find happiness by figuring out (and pursuing) your own internal desires instead of society’s.
What OC character are you?
created with
Huge big yay for Ali, who got the all-clear at the doctor today! Woo hoo! And, again, yay!
Finally, I really really really want a photo of me done up Comic Book ala PhotoShop style. That’s just way effin’ cool.
Pff. Like I need another project!
Did I mention I start casting two films next week? ACK!
Oh, one more thing. Is it weirder to encounter someone (who you KNOW reads your blog) who asks, “So, what’s new?” or to encounter someone (who you are certain doesn’t even know you have a blog) who quotes your blog to you?
And… They’re OFF!
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Send me a good picture and I will. The higher the resolution, the better.
What if you find out that a famous/semi-famous person that you’ve mentioned in your blog because you admire or look up to him/her in some way reads your blog?
I wouldn’t say it’s exactly weirder to encounter someone (who you KNOW reads your blog) who asks, “So, what’s new?” so much as disheartening. After all, if they’re your friend, they should know what is going on with you….unless you’re not giving away much in your blog or they’re extremely busy with their own lives. I don’t necessarily condone the latter…even when I’m out-of-this-world busy, I still manage to at least skim my livejournal friends list.
The O.C. quiz.
You scored as Kirsten. You are a perfectionist. Be weary of being too rigid and limiting your openness to varied experiences. Neat freaks are just as irrational as slobs. A half messy person is, in fact, the ideal. Optimal…
“Queens of Style” – Ooooooh, I like the ring to that! 😀
Is it weirder to encounter someone (who you KNOW reads your blog) who asks, “So, what’s new?”
-Not necessarily WEIRD…unless that person is extremely shy and just doesn’t know how to start off a conversation. When I hook up with blog pals in-person, I say flat out (when applicable): “Now, I haven’t gotten to read blogs in the last week – anything new that I need to be looped in on?”
…or to encounter someone (who you are certain doesn’t even know you have a blog) who quotes your blog to you?
-That would almost be flattering…or a little uneasy feeling. I dunno…depends on the person who’s quoting…me. Heh. Now, if they’re trying to quote your words as their own, then all bets are OFF – throw down! ;o)