Between the Last-Quarter Moon and the New Moon, we have the Balsamic Moon (also called the Waning Crescent). This phase is one of slowing down, becoming quiet, going within in preparation for the new cycle that will be starting soon. There’s a reverence here, once we respect the need for silence. Before we’re down with this stage of the Moon’s flow, it can feel downright lonely… even when we’re around others.

Chart Harmony with the Balsamic Moon

Because Balsamic is a phase of stillness, it can feel a bit wonky when the phase happens while the Moon is in an active Fire or Air sign. It’s as though the phase and the sign disagree about how things should go. Alas, the ENERGY of the Balsamic Moon will “win” by slowing us way down, so much so that we may simply sleep more than we usually do. (That’s SO okay.)

While the Balsamic Moon phase won’t necessarily feel like it’s time to prune, make space for the seed-planting we’ll be doing under the New Moon, or preparing ourselves for that task, it will feel as though things are coming to a natural end. Sitting with these feelings can be uncomfortable, but once we’ve become practiced at welcoming stillness in this way, it’s actually a private time we begin to look forward to having.

Wanna join my free community for having these discussions regularly? Our Chart Harmony Discord is here. Come on by!

BONUS: Were you born under a Balsamic Moon? (You can find out using Astro-Seek’s calculator.) Being born under a Balsamic Moon can give your personality an introspective, introverted, calm vibe. There’s a sense of always processing, needing stillness to tap into your magic, and respecting the recharging stage.

BONUS-BONUS: If you’re in a Balsamic Moon phase by 2ndary progression, it’s a quiet time of retreat. It can be tough — especially if you’re used to being outwardly focused in life. A dark night of the soul, almost. While going within, know that only you can do this (but you CAN do this).

Pop in the comments below what the Balsamic Moon phase means to you. I’d love to get to know you better through la luna. 🌙

So much love flowing your way!

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  1. Hailey Smith January 3, 2024 at 8:43 am

    Wow, thank you so much for this perspective! How can I see when my secondary progression will be in a Balsamic Dark moon phase??

    1. Bonnie Gillespie January 3, 2024 at 9:45 am

      Not sure which of the free options out there might be best for you — I know a few apps will calculate your 2ndary progressions with some basic info at least — but I use the Astro Gold software (professional; paid) to not only calculate when the phases of lunar progression change but also the signs.

      Take a look at the Time Passages app (there’s a paid and free version, I know for sure the paid version does 2ndary progressions), Time Nomad, and the Astro-Seek website, as well as good ol’ for options. Hope you get some good info and can learn when you’re in a more quiet time of life too! 🙂

      UPDATE: I just used the Astro-Seek calculator for my progressed lunar phases coming up and it’s right on!


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