Hello beautiful people!

Let’s do more Chart Harmony by taking a tour through the bod using the signs! Sure, sure, everyone has similar parts but there are certain parts RULED by signs of the zodiac, and knowing which parts go with what signs can create great freedom.

For example, my whole childhood, there was great storytelling about my über dramatic, crying like I was about to perish, being asked what on Earth the problem was, and gasping between desperate breaths, “I’m starving to death!”

Cancer. Rules the tummy. Happy belly; happy Bonnie. This girl NEVER travels without a bar, a snack, a SOMETHING to make sure she never feels starving. 😉 It’s just a thing. A thing that’s totally manageable… so it doesn’t have to become a big deal (or even noticeable) to anyone else.

Cool, right?

Okay, so just like the signs have an order in the zodiac, they have an order on the bod and we’re gonna take it Aries to Pisces, like always. This goes — generally — head to toe. 😉

(If you’d like to go deeper — for FREE — with my woo-woo work, check out “What Your Birthday Says About Youhere. Deeper still? Book some 1-on-1 goodness with me here.)

Here we go!

Aries: Ruler of the head, face, teeth, tongue, hair, arteries, and blood.

Taurus: Ruler of the sinuses, ears, neck, throat, vocal cords, tonsils, and thyroid.

Gemini: Ruler of the lungs, shoulders, bronchial tubes, arms, hands, and capillaries.

Cancer: Ruler of the breasts, diaphragm, womb, lymphatic system, vagina, stomach, and right eye.

Leo: Ruler of the heart, circulation, blood pressure, spine, back, and left eye.

Virgo: Ruler of the digestive system, pancreas, small intestines, eyes, and ears.

Bonnie Gillespie's Aligned Hustle Calendar
Click to get your Aligned Hustle Calendar.

Libra: Ruler of the kidneys, bladder, veins, sense of touch, insulin regulation, and lower back.

Scorpio: Ruler of the reproductive organs, genitals, prostate, rectum, colon, urethra, pubic bone, and urinary tract.

Sagittarius: Ruler of the liver, sacrum, lumbar vertebrae, hips, and thighs.

Capricorn: Ruler of the skin, body hair, ligaments, tendons, joints, knees, spleen, bones, and teeth.

Aquarius: Ruler of the shins, calves, ankles, forearms, and circulatory system.

Pisces: Ruler of the feet, pituitary gland (hormone production), and pineal gland (melatonin secretion).

Wanna make Keith purr? Book him an hour at the Bao Foot Spa. (Pisces stellium heaven.)

Body Parts Ruled by Signs - Bonnie Gillespie - Chart Harmony
Click for your very own copy.

How does this physiology sync for you, oh beauteous one? And how can you treat yourself in extra-special sign-aligned ways?

I am fascinated by which body parts *feel* as though they just GO with certain signs and their personality traits. Also, which types of ailments or issues tend to snag folks with a prominence of certain signs in their charts (not just the sun sign, of course).

Let’s jam about this over at the Chart Harmony Discord server. Or just below in the comments, of course!

As always, keep investing in your relationship with yourself! This is absolutely fabulous work you’re doing and I’m so dang proud to bear witness to it all!

All my love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Jordan Stonyj January 14, 2023 at 2:25 am

    Could you please include Ophiuchus?

  2. Jacilyn Bowden May 14, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    Hi Bonnie,
    I cant thank you enough for All your videos , even the ones that aren’t astrology ,because lol ,its Awesome ,you talk about Astrology and other personal info which I am ,very gratefull for all you share and teach especially these videos for free , You are a Saint , and I am So honored to be Your Student
    Sending virtual hugs with many brightest blessings
    I am Very slowly learning alot and the slow part if All me ,lol its like you are a Special Education teacher ,so I’m nervous for when you take down all the videos I get to replay over and over in order for me to learn , 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and writing all your work books out and your videos cause you say More detailed in the videos them in the work books but I love them all and they are in those paper plastic protectors hahahaha
    Your Student
    Jacilyn Jaci Bowden


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