This is from a series at our Chart Harmony Discord server… scroll down for the link if you’d like to join us there for all the good convos we have going on there. 😉

Planetary Day: Friday = Venus Day

Starting at SUNRISE wherever you live, Friday is Venus’ day. Feel into how very delicious that is!

This is the day to pamper yourself, enjoy things for their ability to delight the senses, and appreciate the pure magnetic force that is authentic charisma.

Honor Venus if you’re low on enoughness, low on love, or low on money. She’s the tractor beam for all of these things and they all relate with how much you allow yourself to receive — in an exchange of value for value. Planetary remediation with Venus can be challenging if you’ve been taught to feel shame around receiving. No more blocking your blessings! You deserve it ALL.

Chart Harmony is all about taking incredibly complex ancient astrological and numerological concepts and simplifying them into remedies to help you balance your love, abundance, and vitality with ease.

Here are just a few ways to align yourself with Venus’ view of your worth on Friday (or any day, really… but especially during Venus’ day).

~ Wear pink or green or light blue.
~ Anoint yourself with almond oil.
~ Eat berries and fine chocolate.
~ Drink wine, rosewater, or red clover tea.
~ Do gentle stretching or slow dancing.
~ Engage with rose quartz or malachite.
~ Take a bubble bath, go on a date, dust your sheets with honey powder.
~ Count your money while anointing it with prosperity spell oil.
~ Buy fresh flowers for yourself.
~ Don’t be afraid to create #WitchyShit that helps you feel more magnetic for your riches!

How will you honor Venus today?

Bonus points: Where is Venus in your natal chart? That HOUSE will receive a boost of energy on Venus’ day, especially if you’re being purposeful with your rituals.

Not sure which house hosts your natal Venus? Check out my free training — What Your Birthday Says About Youhere! And if you’d like to join our free community for having these discussions regularly, our Chart Harmony Discord is here. Come say hi!

Excited to hear how you’re lavishing love on yourself, Venus-style, today!


Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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