First love, first sex. Working actor. Lied on drugstore work permit to help support us. The Sum Of All Years is Bonnie Gillespie’s autobiography in which the word count for each post is limited to…
Posts Published by bonblogs
Swiped from John, my musical soulmate. My pirate name is: Captain Anne Bonney Even though there’s no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you’re the one in charge. You can be a little…
The Sum of All Years: 12
Mom moved. I lived with Cleo. Learned to gamble, worship the Braves. The Sum Of All Years is Bonnie Gillespie’s autobiography in which the word count for each post is limited to the corresponding age…
Sum of All Years: Who’s Next?
So, it seems a few peeps are eager to become a part of the Sum of all Years project, founded by Cliff (AKA “London”–but don’t call him that). Check back to see Hal‘s, Chip‘s, BrYan‘s……
Oh, and…
Happy birthday, Liz!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
The Sum of All Years: 09
Dad remarries. Mom goes New Age. I am molested. The Sum Of All Years is Bonnie Gillespie’s autobiography in which the word count for each post is limited to the corresponding age for that entry….
One of these days…
I shall take some downtime. No, really.
The Sum of All Years: 07
Starred in first play. Move over, Barbra. The Sum Of All Years is Bonnie Gillespie’s autobiography in which the word count for each post is limited to the corresponding age for that entry. See them…