Babe2000 Kickoff

Cross-post with Sloane (journal entries for accountability on our Babe2000 project).

So far, most of my exercise has been incidental. I’m eager to get back on a regimen of daily exercise, or at least a few days each week of working up a really good sweat. I plan on using Dawn’s treadmill and phenomenal size-six wardrobe as incentive!

Bonnie’s Statement: I started out on 24 July 1998, weighing in at 205 lbs. I was also only two weeks into my 28th year… for some reason, a very depressing birthday to me. Here I was, living in Athens, working on my Instructional Technology PhD full time, and slowly realizing that I was stalling. It was time to get my ass in gear and live the life I fantasized about. Here’s the two questions I asked myself:

* What would I do money were no object whatsoever?
* What would I do if everyone I knew were dead? (this is not to be morbid, but to examine which things in life I do only b/c of what others may think)

So, here I am, six months later, 30 pounds lighter, a grad school drop-out, 3000 miles away from home, and still with four solid months of body and soul work to do before plunging back into the life I truly love: performing.

* Weight Goal: 150 lbs. by 11 July 1999 (total loss of 55 lbs. in one year)

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