Original emailed version = here!

Tom Cruise and a Tweet-Up

The next LA Actors’ Tweet-Up is on December 6th. Info HERE (and in the vid clip, below). Watch the vid; join us for the fun! Oh, and so, imagine our delight when a lovely actor friend tipped us off (via Twitter) to the fact that Team Tom Cruise shared Self-Management for Actors as one of its essential book recommendations for aspiring actors. DUDE! That’s jump-on-the-couch fantastic! ***squeeeee***

Tech-Free Zone 🙂
Last year, I started forcing myself to NOT check email before lights-out. The bedroom is always a TV-free zone, but with technology getting smaller and lighter, I noticed I’d bring the iPad and watch an episode of something… do a round of social networking sites from my handheld… check email “ONE last time” in case anything important had come in. Wait! Think about that! In case there’s some burning, urgent-to-someone-else issue, I should stop the easing-myself-to-sleep process. No. That’s not helpful. If there’s something in that inbox that I have to get up and deal with (dammit) or that will be stuck in my brain when I’m supposed to be resting, that’s bad. Since we’re not curing cancer, it can wait ’til morning for me to even SEE. If you find you’re tethered to technology, consider clocking out for the last hour of your day. Go “screen-free” so that sleep is recharging.

We’re prepping for the first tours of 2012 and it looks like the southeast will be our first stop. If you’re looking to get your Self-Management for Actors Seminars action on, fire back a reply so we can be sure you get updates about ninja badassery in cities near you.

Get A-Listed is the web-based 12-week Self-Management for Actors Seminar and we’re in week FOUR of our first offering! So much tier-jumping going on… it’s really exciting! We’ll launch shorter, more targeted programs in the new year, so please let us know what you’re craving!
In addition to the weekly column at Actors Access, I also feature contributions from others in The Actors Voice: POV the 1st and 15th of every month. A favorite recent article comes from Jennifer Weedon, who covers “Acting and Pregnant” with a ton of great tips for actors facing motherhood.
If you’d like to discuss being a contributor for a future edition of The Actors Voice: POV, fire back a reply to this email and we’ll start the conversation! (There is pay.) Thank you, Jennifer, for sharing your POV!
(Oh, and in case you’re wondering who the lovely lady with the Ninja Badassery gluten-free cupcakes is, above, that’s SMFA Seminar rockstar J’aime Spezzano. Yay!)
An actor in my SMFA Foundations Seminar used Wordle to create a word cloud from her primary typing words. A ninja in Get A-Listed used the Visual Thesaurus to get more creative with her type list. Cool, free resources for self-typing!

Save the date! Those of you sticking around Hollywood for the holidays, put 12/15/11 on your iCal, for the SMFA alumni celebration: Thirsty Third Thursday, karaoke style! Be prepared to rock or mock! We have a blast and it’s a great way to plug in with our li’l community, even if you’ve never experienced the seminars. HHHers, Tweet-Uppers, and Class Rules!-ers unite to celebrate our collective awesomeosity! We’d love to have you!
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!