Matzoh Ball Soup can fix anything.
Browsing Category My Hot Bod
Three and Two
That’s the number of Vicodin (three) and Excedrin (two) that, at once, are too many for my body to handle. Ugh. At least my eye socket stopped throbbing/twitching (it has been doing so pretty much…
The Suck That Is a Migraine
I swear, a migraine is a life-sucking bit of hell. This was a FIVE DAY MIGRAINE. Ugh. I can only hope it is ACTUALLY over. I did leave the house tonight. Had to. I hope…
A Weekend of Animal Love
Three Dogs to Discuss Friday night, I came home from our night-walk obsessed with what will be our first dog, once we are in a home with a yard and ready to start a family….
Still soooooooo sick
Ugh. Can’t even stand it. And now Keith’s got it. Ugh… me no likee. Sickee. Ugh.
Sick as a Dog
Why? Where did I get this disgusting ailment? Ugh. Can’t leave bed except to visit the bathroom, and you don’t want to know what happens when I’m in there. Bleh. Interesting that this timing corresponds…
Migraines Still Suck
Day three. Very very ill. They caught the blaster worm guy, a 320-lb., 6’4″ teenager. Wow. Shouldn’t he be playing football? Archie does not like pugs. That is all.