Yay! Office reconfiguration is underway. Our brilliant system for shopping (Keith on location; me here with the Internet to “see” what he’s seeing, plus other things to suggest for him; us on the phone; me…
Browsing Category Geeky Stuff
Rant. Rave.
First the rant. I get the need for the whole word verification thing on blog comments. I really do. But for the love of all that is holy, shouldn’t the word (read: the jumble of…
B/c V-day Is Coming…
I defer to the greatness that is Chip on how to celebrate correctly. Click here to do yourself (*giggle*).
I LOVE So Much!!
So, I’ve spent two solid hours importing my RSS feed links (which were categorized as “RSS feeds” and “Lazy RSS feeds”), plus my good ol’ fashioned non-feed blog links and links to things I would…
Cool New Thing
Because Beffers is so dang smart (and usually right about all things), I have signed up for a free Rojo account. I think this will make doing my blog-rounds much more efficient. Thanks, Beffers! Thanks,…
Has anyone else noticed that the onslaught of holiday cards has become “the annual parade of our favorite botox spots” lately? *shudder*
Need Geeky Help (Three Items)
1. I want to buy a Karaoke Revolution “game” but I have no PS2, no XBox, no game console of any kind on which to play such. I see that I can buy the Dance…
Problem-Solving for Co-habitants of Different Types
Okay, so Keith and I are very very very very very different in lots of ways. One of the “fixes” we put into practice this year was regarding our receipts and other money-related paperwork. BASKETS…
Most Cliché-Filled Paragraph Ever
So, I’m watching this Canadian show my TiVo picked up for me called The Call (see, I have “casting” as a keyword in there, so that I can catch whatever casting-process-filled shows that might air…