Of course, Quinn is less “mini” with every visit, but I swear this kid behaves EXACTLY like his father, even though he lives 2200 miles away 49 weeks of the year. That *has* to be…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Pissy Little Mood
I’ve had an ego-bruising day (seems I have those every now and then, especially after a few weeks of “highs”), so I tried to distract myself by creating my FAQ page. Whatevs. Still pissy. Bleh.
Ow-oooooooot Tonight!
Singing like Mimi: I’ve had a knack from way back / Breaking the rules once I learned the games / Get up / life’s too quick / I know someplace sick / Where this chick’ll…
Sometimes I wish
I were motivated entirely by money and nothing else. It would make the decision-making process (in the whole Option Overload arena) much much easier. Just sayin’.
Being a Kid = Therapy
As I was gearing up to watch a TiVo’d 90210, I saw a commercial for a line of Crayola Outdoor products. Quite sophisticated looking stuff, I’d say. I remember being quite happy with a big…
My Yellow Home
So, yesterday as Keith and I were headed out for a walk-and-shop, our neighbors asked, “So, didja hear we’re being tented and bombed Tuesday?” Now, I’ve never done more than drive past a tented building,…
Wednesday Afternoon Search Party
It’s been awhile, so it’s time for another search party! Woo hoo! What happened to catalogue Tweeds? *sniffle* This one makes me so sad. Regular long-term readers know all about my obsession with Tweeds and…
Best Movie EVER
Okay, actually this was more than the best movie ever. It was like the best late morning/early afternoon date ever. But first the important part: THE BEST MOVIE EVER! (That’d be Stick It! Duh.) NOTE:…
How Whole Foods lost us to Wild Oats:
Dear Whole Foods (specifically Whole Foods at 2201 Wilshire), I’m a special-needs eater (read: I cannot eat wheat or wheat gluten). And that means that grocery shopping can be a high-maintenance activity, any time I’m…