There are two days of the year on which the MOST people I know were born. One of them is 1/28. The other is 9/11. Seriously. Eight of my good friends share today as a…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Bearded Lady
A recent comment-based exchange with my NBF Erik (who is doing a very My Name Is Earl-ish list-y thing that I totally love and about which I will blog later) reminded me of one of…
Well, now…
That sucks. First off — meeting was rockstar. Three hours. Lots of good stuffs. I’m exhausted. Now, so Keith is finished with his day in casting (awesome) and on his way home, he’s supposed to…
Okay, Levitz. It’s ON!
Levitz sucks Levitz sucks Levitz sucks Levitz sucks and now they’ve taken all of the fun out of what was some of my most bliss-filled living of 2004: the whole Happy Sofa Day stuff. How…
I’m Goin’ In!
The amazing Christopher Grossett and the brilliant Laura Lock gave us a collection of cookbooks from our registry and I’ve decided to make a go of a lovely little recipe from Living In The Raw….
Friday Night Search Party
It’s that time again… it’s a Friday Night Search Party. Woo hoo! Some juicy ones this time! Heeeee! red hot momma: I’m not red. I’m not (that) hot. I’m definitely no one’s momma. Maybe you…
The Year In Review
This was such a hit layst year, I’ll be doing it again. Enjoy! Take The First Line From The First Post Of Each Month Of 2004. That’s Your Year In Review. January 2005: Okay, so…
New Favorite Thing
It’s actually not “new,” seeing as I fell in love with it 16 May 2005 when we had a Breakdowns dinner at Il Moro and I had it for the first time. But, just the…
From an email exchange w/ an actor friend who has taken Hollywood by storm in a very short period of time. She: Love the new cricketfeet site by the way, this town’s been *really* good…