I’ve recently been working quite a bit with a filmmaker I’ve known for just under three years. In showbiz, that’s both a very short time and a lifetime. We’ve now worked as director (she) and…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Stand-In Work
Can you stand a silly question? (Oh, PLEASE don’t make fun of me. I have nightmare visions of you now quoting me in one of your Actors Voice columns with the precursor, “Here’s a stupid…
Issues of Race
All righty. Let’s get those of you who don’t usually read the Your Turn portion of The Actors Voice (tsk, tsk) up to speed. A few weeks back, I was asked the following: Do you…
Request for Help with Column about Race
A few weeks ago, I shared a wonderful email from a black actor who was curious whether there were particular issues specific to being a member of a minority group, in pursuing an acting career…
The Blind Leading the Blind
I recently did something that took me way beyond my comfort zone. In a couple of months — when I know the outcome of this brave thing I did — I’ll let y’all know what…
Feedback on Don’t Drop the Ball
Got a LOT of great feedback on last week’s Don’t Drop the Ball piece. Thank you, everyone, for writing in! Here’s a sampling of the awesome emails that came my way. Enjoy! First email: Hello…
What’s Your Motivation
Ah, Alfred Hitchcock got it right. “When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, ‘It’s in the script.’ If he says, ‘But what’s my motivation?’ I say, ‘Your salary.’”…
No Formula to Success as an Actor
Hello Bonnie, I’m a first time writer, long time reader. It’s funny, this edition of The Actors Voice was the one I TRULY needed to read. I’m going through, “It’s slow out there,” and, “It’s…
Don’t Drop the Ball
I scrapped this column last week in favor of turning in The Big Lies. (And, wow, y’all liked that one. Thanks!) But, I’ve been doing some thinking about why I wasn’t in love with Don’t…
Booked a Recurring Role; Time to Change Up My Team?
Hi Bonnie, First, let me say thank you so much for your advice on Actors Access. It is really helpful. I also read Self-Management for Actors and it has become somewhat of a handbook for…