I love my Mondays. Love. I’ve taken Mondays off since before I worked for myself. Back when I was an actor doing a dozen different freelance jobs at a time (everything from pet sitting to tutoring, from teaching Improv Comedy Traffic School to creating the Sundance Institute’s vault library), Mondays were designated MY time. For the 16+ years I was a columnist for Backstage and then Actors Access, I would turn in my column on Sunday nights and have Monday OFF.

Monday is the Moon’s day and she’s MEANT to be quiet, soft, nurturing, comforting, filled with aaaahhhh (not anxiety and aggression and go-go-go).

So, why am I clocking in today? I’m hosting a free webinar on Friday all about how you can tell which days go with which vibe NATURALLY (vs. socially, culturally, dominant-capitalist-patriarchally) and I’m keeping it super simple.

I recently saw this CS Lewis quote and it really landed right for me. Many things – such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly – are done worst when we try hardest to do them.

Yesssssss. Here’s to keeping it really ease-filled. (“It” = life.)

It’s Chart Harmony 101. Basic. Straightforward. Easy and easygoing.

And it’s Friday March 3rd at 11am PST. Here’s the link to sign up (FREE) for the on-demand replay.

The power of the woo working WITH YOU is something so beautiful… you’ll be astounded how much more EASE your life invites in, with my Chart Harmony method. 🙂 No need to understand astrology AT ALL to get a lot out of this webinar. Just openness and a creative worldview. That’s it!

collage of webinar workbook pages, white woman laughing on a Zoom screen, text about the Chart Harmony 101 webinar with Bonnie Gillespie

If you click that image, it’ll take you to the on-demand replay page. I hope I’ll be “seeing” you there! (It’s just me on-camera.)

’til then, if you have any questions, comment below and we’ll get you sorted.

That’s it for this rainy-day quickie. I hope you’re living your dreams and remembering to have fun along the way. Because if it’s not fun ON THE WAY, it’s not gonna suddenly GET FUN once we get there (that’s called the arrival fallacy, BTW).

I believe in you. You’ve got this. And when you’ve NOT got this… darlin’, I’ve gotchuu!

Let’s keep it simple. (And low-key, especially on Mondays.)

“See” you Friday,

Bonnie Gillespie is simultaneously all characters in The Wizard of Oz (esp. the yellow-brick road). Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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