January 2025 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:
Ah, 2025. Here. We. Go.
As I shared in my year-ahead webinar and in a few blog posts, the woo weather of 2025 into 2026 is gonna be a bit of a wild ride we’ll never forget. Thank goodness we’ve got Chart Harmony to help us feel grounded, centered, and capable of leaning into the gifts we were born to express.
You’ll notice I included more keywords on the calendar than usual. The energy of January is shifting pretty quickly. Use the guides on the calendar to help you notice which color combos help YOU feel your best. (Even if it’s a big, bright BE SEEN day, let it be a NO PEOPLE day when that’s how the vibe shakes out for you.)
Pay attention to the January 23rd combo: MONEY + LUCK = MAGIC (and lots of it)! Mars is creating some very interesting boosts (and helping Mercury do so too) just before the waning Moon energy asks us to slow down and refill the well from which we draw, every day.
As always, trust your gut! You’ve got this!
Don’t call it a resolution! (The goals we make in Capricorn season have no chance of surviving once Aquarius Sun says it’s time to shake things up anyway.) I committed in November to doing more livestreams and webinars… and set up 7 of ’em right then.
I’ve put the replay of my most recent livestream (a Moon calendar demo) below this post. (And linked here, if you’d prefer. –> LIVE DEMO for smoothing out your calendar: 🌙✨ Use Your Moons 🔮💫)
Hit bonniegillespie.com/events to keep up with the timing.
I’m excited to use this Mars-ruled year I’m in to bring more Chart Harmony to light. Thank YOU for your encouragement and participation! Lemmeknow what you need next. The comments are open just below. I’ve gotchuu!
Or… let’s chat about all of this (and more) at our Chart Harmony Discord server. See you there if not in the comments here! (Heck, maybe do BOTH.)
Want your own color-coded look at the month ahead? Subscribe to my Chart Harmony Calendar here.
So much love flowing your way,
You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.
[LIVE DEMO for smoothing out your calendar: 🌙✨ Use Your Moons 🔮💫]