June 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:

Ah, June 2023 kicks off Retrograde Season. Yes, even though Mercury is direct (leaving their shadow by June 2nd), Retrograde Season is official when multiple planets are simultaneously performing their retrograde illusion, which is true for June with Pluto, Saturn, and Neptune by month’s end. Whoa!

What does this mean for you? Even though the month is mostly ORANGE (prime for action-taking), you may find the drive is more inward than usual. “Being seen” could mean revealing your true self TO YOURSELF more than you ever have. Yes, you’ll be energized for taking action out in the world too… but the inner fire will feel more meaningful due to the retrogrades.

Interestingly, we are low on PINK and PURPLE, which is odd seeing as it’s Gemini Season (Air = PINK) for much of the month *and* Jupiter is now in Taurus, popping that PURPLE via literal manifestations for a year! So, our work is to do more PINK and PURPLE Chart Harmony remedies than usual… to bump up the energy bubbling beneath the surface this magical month!

To meet the PINK energy of Gemini Season, SAY MORE. Show up on socials. Write blog posts. Do a livestream. Be curious and *enjoy* changing your mind. For the magic of the PURPLE vibe, connect with amethyst. Sleep with the crystal under your pillow or put it on the nightstand to bring optimism to your dreams. Journal about them! Remember that you can always wear clothes the color of the vibe with which you’re hoping to connect. Have FUN with this!

Want your own color-coded look at the month ahead? Subscribe to my Chart Harmony Calendar here! Grab it then come on over to our Chart Harmony Discord server to chat about the woo weather and how it’s gonna feel for you.

See you on the inside,

You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.

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