May 2024 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:

All righty! This is a month that looks easygoing… and in many ways, it is. There’s a good amount of space between the big-ticket items of the month. But/and, we’ve got some longer-term situations that are gonna start showing up now.

There’s Pluto’s retrograde illusion, bringing him back for one last “FINISH HIM” style visit to Capricorn September 1st to November 19th (I know!!), Neptune is at Pisces’ critical degree now through August (stay present), Venus is combust all month (it’ll be more challenging to do GREEN Chart Harmony rituals), and with Mars in Aries (with the North Node) we can expect some destabilization. Yikes, right?

So, what this means for you is that you’ll want to focus on creating and holding space between all the things you try to pack into your life, day to day. Use the PINK and ORANGE days in May to get stuff done so you can fully withdraw when the BLUE and BLACK days come around. Taurus season helps us stay grounded, so enjoy that purposeful slowness the first two-thirds of May!

If you have any of your Big 3 (the occupants of your Life-Car) in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, do a little extra BLACK Chart Harmony this month to help you connect with Pluto coming back into a Cardinal sign.

(Not sure what’s in your Life-Car? Watch this, or just scroll down.)

Pluto’s finishing up business he started in 2008, especially with systems and structure. If there’s anything you’re hoping to see fully transformed since 2008, this is the time to let it all go. BLACK Chart Harmony is made for this!

Remember to breathe.

Want your own color-coded look at the month ahead? Subscribe to my Chart Harmony Calendar here! Grab it then come on over to our Chart Harmony Discord server to chat about the woo weather and how it’s gonna feel for you.

See you on the inside,

You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.

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