September 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:

Retrograde season continues! Woo HOO! Why am I celebrating retrograde season? Because the retrograde illusion is a time for turning our energy inward for all the areas that particular planet represents. Mercury retrograde asks us to take more time with our thoughts, beliefs, communication, and movements through life. Jupiter retrograde asks us to examine our self-trust and faith, allowing more delicious expansion for ourselves and celebrating ourselves more every day!

The month is quite ORANGE (prime for action-taking), but thanks to all that retrograde energy, you may find yourself tending to your inner fire more than jumping out into the world just yet. Allow yourself to let everything take its time.

I like how slow and low the month of September feels. It’s a 7 numerologically and 2023 is a 7 year too! This overall 7 energy drives that retrograde season vibe even MORE internal. It’s a courage-building, cocoon-living time in which your wings are being knitted with every breath. It’s not time to fly. YET.

ORANGE is always so “easy” for the world we live in. It’s a vibe we, as a culture, reward. If you find yourself wanting to turn DOWN some of that external energy, add a yellow or orange crystal to your workspace. Let it hold the energy so you don’t have to! Also consider starting each day with a Sun Salutation or other heart-opening yoga pose that bonds you and the Sun, Source, the Universe. Welcome IN the glow so you can shine from a well-resourced starting point.

Want your own color-coded look at the month ahead? Subscribe to my Chart Harmony Calendar here! Grab it then come on over to our Chart Harmony Discord server to chat about the woo weather and how it’s gonna feel for you.

See you on the inside,

You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.

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