Courtney, m’love!

Thank you for loving my Blogs.
Renee had a baby (Ella) in late March (maybe the 30th??) of last year and she’s gone from being a punk rock botanist to being a really cool mom. I miss her! Keith and I looked into renting her house, but it’s in Pasadena, and that’s a bit far out for us. Keith rides his bike everywhere (in LA! Shock!) so proximity to all things was important in our decision. Anyway, Renee works with me at the publishing company (most of my coworkers are out of state — God bless the Internet). The first pillow I ever crafted was a gift for Ella. Hmm… maybe I’ll put it up here.
Renee sent that out via email with a note saying, “Bonnie made this (the pillow, not the baby).” Made me laugh!
Okay… panic attacks over. Thank goodness. Why am I up at this hour? No idea. Tried to sleep. Nope. So, I’m emailing with my friend Barry (who will perform the wedding… I used to say “who will marry us” but that sounds weird…. especially since Bar lived in Utah for a while). His new book is POD with Book Locker and I am SO proud of him. It’s a collection of essays and one of them is the one he wrote to me the day Mom died. It is so sweet. Anyway, he’s special.
That’s it for now, fellow Spies. Oh, wait! Spy-wise, I saw Edward Burns last week at the coffee shop. I think that’s it for sightings. Hard to see celebs when you can’t leave the house. Moving past that, now, so there should be some spy activity to report here before too long. XXOO, all.

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