Note: I put the “framework” of a “future blog post” into the “unpublished” mode at 8:15pm on Sunday. It is now 2:48am Monday and I finally have time to finish this blog post (read: make it make sense, add images, and create links to relevant stuffs) and publish it for reals. But I’m thinking I may like it BETTER this way. It’s sort of haiku-ish, no? Hmm.
Origin’s Spice Odyssey
Like Dirt
Which is from a show I’ve never seen, but I watch enough
Ever (David Spade)
to know that the Bangin’ Weepin’ Hetero is selling something called Dirt.
Anyway, it’s really good. Smells nice. And although it’s weird to use, I enjoy adventures in bathtime.
Big week ahead. What do you think of The PodCASTing Report by Bonnie Gillespie? Would you subscribe to that? Hmm.
Yeah. That may be my new blog style. Well, for now that’s how this post will stand, anyway. I must get some sleep. Gotta sub for Cujo’s mom in a few hours. ‘Nite!
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SO where’s the PodCAST?
Podcasting..funny you should mention…there is a lad I know who has an MBA in his back pocket (well, not IN his back pocket, but you know WHAT I mean), who also happens to be a semi-successful producer and another semi-successful producer who are all putting their semi-successful heads together to Pod-Pimp (produce) SOMETHING…that you can watch…daily….on your podcast.
Give it a whirl Bon, this is your pod-future.
I’m all about the podcasting. Or video podcasts. Go for it.
Cool, thanks y’all. We’re looking into making regular podcasts a part of my column over at (or making the chapters of my books available for podcast download, etc.).
Just wanted to get a sense of how much anyone would like such a thing.
Thanks for the feedback!