A few months back, an actor friend asked a question on that place where we all seem to come together to share thoughts and concerns and inspirations these days, Facebook. She asked us all to put into words an answer to the question, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” To list the things we’d choose to do, if we were sure there were no chance of failure, in making those choices.

I did a little thinking about it and realized I had no good answer to this question, because I already live my life as if I know I can’t fail. And that kind of surprised me to admit, because surely I — like everyone on the planet — feel anxiety over the possibility of failure, right? Uh… maybe not! Maybe I’m pretty lucky to have worked that whole thing out along with that Age 28 Epiphany I talked about two weeks ago. No more “what ifs,” no more “what might be,” just “go for it” and see what happens.

But what do we do when (not if, when) doubt creeps in?

It can creep in before we choose to do something. (That’s what keeps us from action.) It can creep in as we’re starting something. (That’s what keeps us from finishing something.) It can creep in as we’re just living life. (That makes us wonder if we’re where we’re supposed to be, doing what we’re supposed to be doing.)

Whenever it happens, it is a creeping, seeping thing, that doubt thing. It’s like clutter that way (and I’ve been doing a little Clutter Busting recently) and it’s just as bad for us. It surrounds us in ways we don’t even see, after a while, but it has an impact on our every choice.

So, I’ll ask you what my friend asked me (and the rest of her Facebook friends) a few months back.

“What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”

If the answer is pretty close to what you already do, every day, then YAY, YOU! You are living your dreams and probably feeling the reward that is that choice, every moment.

And if the answer is a long list of things you “can’t” do now, “won’t” do now, “aren’t supposed to” do now, let’s address your doubt. Do you need to hang on to your doubt because it’s protecting you from something? Or is it what you’re using to prevent you from really going for it?

Do you doubt your talent? Your options? Your understanding of this business? Well, just like I did with my Clutter Busting experience, let’s start by asking the question, “How does this serve me?” And if the answer is anything less wonderful than what living your dreams would feel like, consider letting go of that doubt.

Your dreams will thank you.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001134.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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