I’ve been doing Callanetics, but only sporadically. I also find myself not walking as much as I was earlier in the month, now that I’m working so frequently. I’ve also been sick for a week. That’s no fun. Hate the flu! But I believe that it was a physical manifestation of the emotional mess that’s going on. Or WAS going on, I’ll say. I’d gotten Earthbound, forgetting that pursuits of prosperity are spiritual in nature, not physical. I know better. Sometimes I forget. Often I forget. I get conned into believing the commercials that say I could lose ten pounds in four days… think that there’s some sense to those damn infomercials… and begin to doubt the wisdom that’s run the universe for more time than arbitrary “years” could ever measure. So, I say that I’m back on track with the spiritual… but I still listen to the audiobook Mastering the Zone as I drive around. The contradictions are comical. The results are tragic.
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