Eat the Fish; Spit Out the Bones

Hello Bonnie,

I just wanted to thank you so much for your insight you gave me a few weeks ago. I did exactly what you advised and just submitted for twenty-something roles. I must say that in the past two weeks I have had around 15 auditions, more than I have had in months. I never really new that I could still be in that age range. I was just called yesterday (I was told I was the first one called) for a callback this week for a sci-fi project (no horror, just scientific). As well, I was booked as a featured background directly from submission for a SAG film. I’m not submitting just for Hispanic, but other areas like you said: mixed-race, ethnic, Middle Eastern, etc. I thank you for your great advice. It is working.

Also, I wanted to thank you for your input on websites, and since I completed mine and of course as things progress in my career, I will continue to update it. I feel as though the website has given me some backing. Every time I submit myself, I attach my website, and I believe it sort of confirms who I am in my resumé.

When producers, directors, casting directors, etc., give me advice or input, I do not take it lightly. I do exactly what they advise me and it always seems to work out for me. Thank you so much. I wanted to make sure I gave you feedback. I will continue to let you know how my future endeavors go. Thanks again!

Antonia Roman

Awesome. Congrats, Antonia, on having such good results from making just a few adjustments to the way you were submitting yourself. That’s awesome!

Now, of course I want to remind you — and all readers — that it’s important to distill good advice from bad. To “eat the fish and spit out the bones,” as Dallas Travers says. Not every piece of advice you get is going to be a good fit for you. Go with your gut, if you try something out and find it doesn’t feel right for you. I’m glad that some of what I suggested was a good fit for you and your career needs right now. Remember to reassess as you go along. 🙂 I’m loving that you’re putting your website to good use, as a promotional tool to back up your submissions. Awesome!

Keep up the great attitude, that’s what really makes the difference. And definitely thanks for keeping me posted.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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