Extras Calling Service

Hi Bonnie,

Just wanted to know if by chance you knew anything about an “actors’ service” by the name of “Virgo Casting.”

Their name was given to me by a fellow actor but he did not mention that they require an actor to leave your credit or debit card number on file with them in case you’re late or a no-show and a few other things they may fine you for.

Even though I have headshots, they require you to come in and spend $30 to take your picture for their files.

As I’m writing this to you I’m wondering why I’m wasting your and my time giving this any thought, except for the fact the “fellow actor” claims to be getting three to four bookings a week from this company. But the more I am typing the whole story out to you the crazier it begins to sound to my own hopeful brain.

Please, if you know anything and you have a moment let me know. The thing is, the person that told me about “Virgo Casting” is an older actor, but maybe he’s working for them in some fashion, or worse yet, maybe he owns the company. Wouldn’t that be a trip? Who knows? But he swore by their ability to keep at least him working.

I’ve tried to call them but only get several automated messages. I’ve emailed them and have gotten no reply. Thanks let me know if you can.

Thanks for writing. Ooooohkay. I think what you’re describing may be an extras “calling service,” not a casting company by any means. It sounds like this is one of those companies where you can upload a photo to their site (or they take one of you), you fill out all your specs, and you call a hotline to see what jobs are available to you, as a background or “atmosphere” performer. Or, if you meet the criteria, they call you, when something matches.

It looks like this company charges some up-front fees and then takes a cut of your day’s pay, rather than charging a monthly membership fee, like other extras calling services do. Cool. But…

Here’s my concern. It’s a new day for up-front fee talent services, since 2010 and the passage of AB 1319. This law requires that any California-based company providing talent services be bonded and licensed by the State of California to perform these services. I see nothing on the Virgo Talent website that mentions AB 1319 or a bond number (the law itself, a very specifically worded talent contract, and the bond number must be posted on the website of every company operating legally under AB 1319).

So, either this company falls outside the jurisdiction of the law, is operating outside of the law, or not fully complying with the law, if there is some bond in place for the company (which it doesn’t seem there is, per the latest update of the spreadsheet by the State of California).

Could there be some actor who is getting called three or four times per week, making a hundred bucks or so, doing extra work for fees to this company? Sure. And there are many calling services out there, getting actors extra work. But is that the kind of work you’re looking to do, as an actor? Do you want to enroll to be on a website of a company that may or may not be operating legally (meaning, if they’re not, and if they suddenly go away, you have no recourse for getting back your investment)? I’m not suggesting this company is shady. I’m saying, I know little about “calling services” and their need to adhere to AB 1319, but since there are other companies that provide extras to sets that *do* toe the AB 1319 line, it’s worth a look.

Think about where you want to be, as an actor. If you’re looking to do high-end extra work, go with the high-end companies out there. Look for their compliance with AB 1319. Look for names of the principals on the website in the “about us” section and check ’em out on IMDb. When you can’t even see who the players are in the “about us” section of a website, how can you know whether to trust what they’re putting out there?

Good for you, asking questions, and it sounds like your spidey sense was tingling even before you hit SEND on this message to me. 🙂 Please follow up with me, if you do end up working with this company. I’m always open to learning more about things that aren’t really on my radar. I’ll admit, I don’t keep tabs on calling services for extra work, at all. But just from a quick bit of poking and asking around, I think there are better ways to get better-paying extra work and through companies that are operating 100% legally under AB 1319, which is what you want, if you’re getting into business with anyone whose work falls under this law.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001647.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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