Woo HOO, February! Mercury retrograde, 6 of the 7 traditional placements in Aquarius all at once, and more Uranus revolt energy are our big themes.

(Want a calendar a week before these blog posts go up? The Aligned Hustle Calendar is packed with all the moon phases, numerology of each day, and big astro. Your calendar subscription comes with 4 MP3s on how to use all the info on that month-at-a-glance planner!)
We’re in a 7 month in a 5 year, so we’re going more inward with our rebellious, spirited, playful energy. This is a bit of contrast because the 7 energy tends to enjoy navel-gazing and getting spiritual about self-care. That big ol’ 5 energy loves being out and being seen. With Aquarius being our fixed air sign, this makes it even doubly contrasty: We’re like those wiggly wind wavers anchored to the ground outside the used car dealerships. Wanting to be free yet feeling firmly rooted.
We kick off the month in Mercury retrograde (my best tips for surviving this chaos-creating illusion are here) and on the 1st, under that Libra moon with an 8 numerology (SERIOUSLY powerful energy for partnering up and leading the way), Venus moves into Aquarius, making our values, love, and beauty shift to a more communal, detached, and innovative vibe.
February 3rd has some good GSD (get shit done) energy especially for anything involving financial-focused research. Plant some quick-growing seeds with that 1 numerology. I like the 5th for manifesting what you just planted, and getting creative with higher learning and exploration to new heights!
We have some big astro to watch on the 6th: Venus squares Uranus, bringing a nontraditional pop to our love and values. And if that weren’t enough, Venus conjuncts Saturn on this day, creating a bit of a pattern-interrupt to the structures we were growing accustomed to. Despite those biggies, this is a good GSD day thanks to the 4 energy telling you to roll up your sleeves.
In further roll-up-the-sleeves news, we get our Capricorn moon toward the end of the 7th, so enjoy the playfulness of earlier that day and then be ready to work on your homelife on the 8th. As the sun conjuncts Mercury on this day, you may find your focus shifting inward, especially challenging yourself about how you think and learn and communicate about what you’re certain you know. This energy gets even more deeply driven inward on the 9th thanks to that 7 numerology of the day.
The Aquarius moon late on the 9th takes us into our VERY AQUARIUS few days here, with the 10th really feeling very stuck + flailing to be free. With Mercury squaring Mars at this point, don’t be surprised if you feel especially raw. Mercury’s still in retrograde and the numerology of the day is an 8 (power), so expect some abrasive communication. Good thing Aquarius doesn’t hold a grudge… but YOU MIGHT, so go easy on this day and the days around it.
Plant seeds under the Aquarius new moon on the 11th. Especially ones involving community, innovation, and inclusion in the most idealistic sense. We also have Venus conjoining Jupiter on this day, which will feel positive, prosperous, and just GOOD personally. Yay! Since it’s a 9 day, also think about what you no longer want to carry with you. Release all that!
The 12th would be a good day for dreaming, fantasizing, and being musical, but don’t expect the 1 numerology to help you get too much done. Dream it up. Executing will have to happen another day.
On the 13th, Mercury conjoins Venus and that’s just a lovely, sweet energy, and with the emotion of the 2 + the emotion of the Pisces moon… well… it couldn’t get much sweeter, with all we say and think and feel. Yay!
Come Valentine’s Day, we’re manifesting from some of the dreams we had on Friday, especially ones involving our community. Mercury will conjunct Jupiter today, so enjoy how that takes tensions down a notch. Phew! Aries moon starting up will have us feeling ready to GSD… so go for it! Your short-term quick-action activities will be especially easy to tackle through the 16th.
On that night, we shift into our Taurus moon of big-picture planning and smart investing. With Saturn squaring Uranus on the 17th, we can be sure we’ll see some social unrest and our very systems transformed. If Taurus has anything to say about that (which she does), it’ll involve big banking and how we feel safe at our core. Use your energy at home to make everything feel safe in the micro. It’s all you control anyway!
On the 18th, we shift into dreamy Pisces season and that 7 energy for the day is very introspective. Use the last of that Taurus moon to examine your inner setpoint for how you feel safe, what you truly value, and what you dream is possible for those setpoints when you are your next-tier self. (This is a great time to fortify your enoughness!!)
We shift into our Gemini moon on the 19th, and that 8 energy will be powerfully hankering to communicate, multitask, get musical, and review anything you’ve ever written! This is a good GSD day as you’ll be charismatic and up for pretty much anything. Just note that there’s a bit of friction as Venus squares Mars. Use that friction for motivation and you’ll be just fine!
Mercury goes direct on the 20th, so our communication, tech, and systems for understanding one another will slowly get more clear. Since Mercury is still in Aquarius, we’ll be detached and even somewhat forgetful for a little bit longer. Use Saturday to release any attachments about HOW you think what you believe (because a belief is just a thought you keep thinking). Get curious about what’s possible!
We still have our Gemini moon (although it’s a void moon for a big chunk of the day) on the 21st, and that 1 wants to start things. We’re still in the shadow of Mercury retrograde, so cool your jets on starting things. Seriously. Resist the urge. You’ll thank me later!
Expect to be all up in your feelings (and maybe everyone else’s feelings) on the 22nd. Consider not doing much “peopling” on this day. Pisces sun + Cancer moon + 2 numerology = um, how do I say this… you’ll be crying. A lot. We all will. See it as a cleanse!! 🙂
I really like the 23rd for doing some creative manifesting! And on the 24th, get ready to strut under that Leo moon! With that 4 numerology, you’re ready to put in some work and shake off the Mercury retrograde hangover, now feeling better equipped to handle Pisces season without being so dang emotional!
Ah… but not so fast! On the 25th, Venus moves into Pisces, so now we’re hit with more moodiness and other-worldly feelings. This is basically a preview for the mutable shift we’re about to have (March will be all sorts of mutable; get ready). The 26th is good for getting things done around the house. Even a bit of ultra-pampering self-care would go well here. Heck, make it last through the 27th, and as we do our release rituals for that full moon in Virgo, especially let go of anything that’s not serving you around your daily care, your health and fitness, and of course anything that you get ultra-critical about.
Finally, we close off February under a partnership-loving Libra moon on an 8 day. Power! Partnership! Perfect! 🙂 GSD and get ready for an ever-better relationship with change as we shift into that mutable March I’ve already warned you about. 😉 “Warned” is the wrong word. It’s nothing to be warned about… we can all learn to love change!
If all of this feels so great that you’d like to go deeper with me on exploring the woo calendar, join me for Aligned Advantage or just grab my free training, What Your Birthday Says About You.
All righty! That’s it for this woo session! Enjoy this short month and let’s make magic, y’all! Of course, pop any questions into the comments below and I’ll do what I can to help. 🙂
Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.