Feedback on Anticipation

Got lots of feedback on last week’s column on Anticipation. So, here’s a good bit of it! 🙂 Enjoy!

Dear Bonnie,

So, I get your updates and I still love that you put so much info out there so we are not so ignorant in our constant work. Your column on celebrating the moment kinda struck a nerve, ’cause I’m not much on that. I’m more like, “Yay! Moving on.” I get the importance of the, “Yay!” so maybe there are not enough people going, “Yay!” so you wrote a whole article about it. So, yay.

So, I am going to provide you the yay, as you might need one. After 11 years, I finally found Joss Whedon and got to show him a sample of my acting to audition for his new TV show. I also sent the same sample to Nick Anderson, thereby getting my acting in front of him too.

Your article mentioned some weird 18-month grey area-“I want to quit acting”-phenomena. Personally, I don’t think it stops at 18 months. I want to quit often. I think I could define this as anytime I’m not auditioning, acting, reading/watching something related to the career choice, or trying to find an audition. Every time I borrow money, pick up food from places other than the grocery store, have to pay the bills, hope my health doesn’t get any worse, my car blows up, or my family stays okay ’cause I can’t afford the plane fare… I don’t think any career could be as emotionally, physically, and financially risky as this one.

So, yay, Joss got the DVD. Moving on. For another 11 years of yays and punishment, just because I love something? Would I be writing in the same frame of mind if I got a call from the man to come audition? Don’t know. But likely. That whole $5000 per year for a professional actor tally has finally come home to roost after ten years of optimism. One year that is EXACTLY how much I made, but I think there is something about the fact you have to take so many, “Thank you — next,”s that just makes you say, “Yay! $5000.”

Moving on.

Could you write an article about pulling the plug on your acting (you may have already) or just how to take an extended break? How to say no?

Thank you. Moving on.

Abigail Marie Young

Thank you, Abigail. I think it’s great that you’ve made headway with the people who are important on your radar. That’s awesome! And I love that you’re willing to share that information! Yay! 🙂

Now, as for the article on “When To Pack It In and Go Home,” I’ve done that one. “When To Say No,” got that one too! And as for taking a planned break, maybe that’s something I’ll write in the next little bit. Thanks for the suggestion! Believe me, I know the importance of taking down time when it’s all you need to keep going, as an artist.

Keep kickin’ ass! And, yeah, it is a struggle for all of us, sometimes. Just keep keepin’ at it. Keep doing good work and remember The Other Costs of Acting are a big part of what keeps y’all going. Keep going! 😉

Anticipation! Just wanted to drop a note about your latest article and what a great reminder it was for me. I’ve trained myself to always be hunting for the next job that I forget to enjoy the one working I’m on. Case in point, yesterday I had an audition after reading your article and instead of thinking where this could take me I just enjoyed the moment. Thanks for the reminder!

Amy Higgins

PS: I have a callback today at Paramount.

How much do I LOVE that you had a callback at Paramount after having simply dismissed the audition that came before it? Love it!! That’s the best! You really do just have to jump in and enjoy the ride. And your callbacks are a great indication that you are doing just that!! Keep it up! And thank you for updating me on your progress!

Anticipation“… nice article, Bonnie. Eckhart Tolle couldn’t have said it better.


Wow! Color me totally flattered! Thank you! 🙂 Hee!

Hey Bonnie!

Just wanted to say that I TOTALLY appreciated this Monday’s column about Anticipation. I just finished reading that book I was recommending to you (A New Earth) and have been really blown away by it. It’s all about staying in the now (plus so much more) and, yeah, having it affect your sanity, literally. Not things I was totally unaware of before but it really goes into depth about the workings and patterns and functions and balance of being a human (body, thoughts, emotions) being (essence, soul, spirit, etc.). Anyway, don’t mean to go off on the book but if you appreciate Wayne Dyer (like I do) and Tolle and the Hicks, etc., this is one for the wish list if you haven’t added it already.

Also, wanted to throw out how immensely inspired I’ve been by Etta and Gabriel’s Girl’s Night Out (which I first saw from the Cricket Feet Yahoo Group awhile ago — awesome — and have read about lately in your articles). I am now in the middle of pre-production with two other girlfriends for a project/short for the ‘net. Not that I wouldn’t have done it without the Girl’s Night Out inspiration, but it definitely sped up the process.

Just droppin’ a note. Hope you guys are good and that casting is as fun as always!!! 🙂

Christina Diaz

Ah! I love it!!! Yes, the first time I wrote (in my blog) about my love for all things Lynn Grabhorn et. al., I was told about Esther Hicks and company by a fellow “feel good-er” out there. Absolutely, all on my reading wish list (which is long. Good thing I have many hours and days at the gym on equipment meant for reading such things to make it worth having such items on my wish list, right?). So, thank you for the addition!

And I love hearing that actors are taking hold of the business model that Diani and Devine have embraced so completely and are finding a way to make it work for them. Remember, it’s all about showing the industry what you can deliver that it doesn’t otherwise have available to it. So, I love that folks are finding a way to enjoy the moment and not wait for the “what if” that anticipation promises… or doesn’t.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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