Feedback on Great Expectations

Well, Great Expectations got a lot of good feedback. Most of it was like this…

I thought your Great Expectations piece was one of the most humane takes on the industry I’ve read ever. I often feel like the A-level stars do when I’m grilled… like, “That’s good but what have you done lately.”

Catharine Stevens

And some more of it was like this…

Thanks for the column on Great Expectations, Bonnie! I love the question: “To what do you credit your success?” We spend a lot of time in this business thinking about where we should be rather than where we are at.

Any ideas for a good intro question in place of: “What have you been up to?”

That one always kills me because I’ve either never spoken with that person before, or haven’t spoken with them in months, and though I may not have a show or a guest starring role I’ve always been busy with my own projects but they take too long to explain.

I guess the question always highlights my own “great expectations” for where I should be and where the person standing opposite of me thinks I should be and I never feel like I have anything to say to that. I almost always want to say, “everything and nothing.” Any ideas?

Anna Nugent

Both questions are ones I love to answer just like this: I’m livin’ the dream! Because, really, what is wrong with that answer? It’s quick, pithy, and dead-on accurate. You’re living the dream and having a blast and enjoying your journey and that’s all that matters.

I remember hitting up a meeting of Biznik a couple of years ago in which fast friend Dyana Valentine required something different of our nametags. Not the usual name and occupation, but instead the answer to the prompt: “I’m really good at…” and why not that? It’s so simple to be so okay with who we are and where we are and what we’re doing that we answer differently when asked what we do for a living. Whenever I’m asked about that? I say I LIVE for a living. I mean… really.

To be defined by accomplishments, to be held up to expectations, to be required to play it by the books? That’s silly. What’s really important? “What have you done lately?” “So much living. Life is good.” And if they want to follow up with specific questions, you certainly can answer them, but the glow and certainty with which you answer the leading question? That’ll probably take the whole conversation off into a much more positive direction. Yay!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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