Feedback on How to Make It

This is not a question but more of a feedback and gratitude email.

First of all, I’m part of the SMFA group on Facebook and it’s such a good thing to be a part of it. You dedicate so much of your time to answering us and reading our comments it becomes clear you not only love your work but actors as well — and it makes all of the difference.

I’m reading the “How to Make It” post and I must agree with you on “not being the right time.” When I was 20 I got to sit down with a casting director of a big network and I felt during our interview I didn’t say the “right” things and at the time I was so mortified. I really wanted to say what the guy wanted to hear as far as what I like to play, characters, and references.

Nowadays I look back and I think: I was so insecure and dependent back then (I still think I’m relatively insecure now) that I have no idea how I would have survived “making it” and the changes it brings (movie cities, new environment, new people, exposure, etc.).

I don’t know if my time is now (I obviously hope so), but I can feel the difference and I know we’re never fully ready, but I’m definitely better prepared now.

I’m definitely at #3 from your list, especially with the mastermind group, where all of us have experiences but haven’t quite “made it,” though others there have more experience than I do. Most are focused on writing scripts so I decided to join in and try my hand at a short movie (which I can star in LOL). We all help each other out and it’s funny how without asking they go, “Oh, do you have a role for Martha in that script?” LOL (I’m the only actress in the group.)

Well sorry for the lengthy email, but I do feel compelled to share because the mastermind idea came from your column and I think it’ll be very positive for me. Already is.

Martha, this is such a great email. Thank you. I truly appreciate your expression of gratitude and it’s so much fun jamming with you at the Facebook group.

I *love* hearing from actors who have created their own mastermind groups since reading my column on the subject. It’s not easy to deal with all of the admin and organizational aspects and still be fully present as a participant, so I applaud you for connecting with people with whom you can brainstorm and stay accountable, regularly!

Thank you for going back into the archives to read “How to Make It.” I love that piece, as it’s such a great reminder about the importance of relationships and endurance in this industry. Often times, we stay so focused on the “little things” and busywork and the day-to-day of it all that we forget about the big picture. Long haul… that’s how we make it. 🙂 Hooray!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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