Feedback on Matter

Two emails from this week’s inbox, both about last week’s column, MATTER.

Hey, Bonnie —

Longtime lurker, but I gotta say your “Matter” article is full-tilt fabulous from every angle. Well-thought, well-written and, well… just NECESSARY.

Even if your output weren’t already prodigiously great, this one alone would matter. Mattering is the measure of success.

Thanks for all of these and especially for this one —

Wow! Thank you, Sam. This means a lot to me. I so appreciate you for reading and for taking a moment to write in as well. 🙂

It’s great to know which articles cause folks who regularly read to shift from lurking to writing in. I’m so glad this one MATTERED to you. It was especially fun to write, as it’s all stuff I’ve been mulling over and making notes about for months and it finally all came together… something that is just beautiful at the right moment.

Stay inspired and stay in touch!

Hey Bonnie,

I love (and get a lot from!) reading your articles and listening to your podcasts every week. This week’s column, “Matter,” struck such a chord with me (well, they all do, but I mean this one did RIGHT now) that I wanted to send you a little email and say… thank you!

I used to run all over the place, literally and in my own head, trying to keep up with everything. My poor, patient husband has been drug to more than his fair share of “networking” events with me… places where I didn’t need to be, but that I believed to be musts at that time.

I still have a long way to go, I admit. But I find great joy in knowing without a doubt that I am not where I used to be… sitting on Facebook for hours, reading posts and updates. Then feeling sad and confused about why others were getting work, or second-guessing decisions about things like a workshop I had passed on when I read someone else raving about it.

Last night, I read Chapter 9 in SMFA, “Your Business Plan.” After you and I had our mini-coaching session over the phone last Friday, I made notes for myself of all the things I either definitely needed to do/change or the things I at least wanted to look into and give some consideration.

I am already making progress with the things we talked about, and have a fellow ninja here in Georgia who I can chat with about all these things. I am also loving all the interaction on the SMFA Facebook group.

When I think about all I want to accomplish, and all the work that is ahead of me, I still get a bit overwhelmed at times. Then I remember that I will do it one day at a time… and I have some valuable resources. Thank you for those! I know you must hear it all the time, but you are awesome!

Very best wishes,
Jennifer Baskette-Ridings

This is one of my favorite emails, ever, Jennifer! 🙂 Thank you for this. It is a passion for me to be available as a resource for you and your fellow creatives around the world, so I applaud you for taking full advantage of all the goodies out there.

Do stay plugged in with your ninja community, both online and in person. It’s sooo beneficial to have a constant reminder that it’s a long-haul journey with loads of goodness, if we’ll just stay open to it all! Having a regular check-in rhythm, knowing there are little things you can do every day to move your acting business forward, and staying positive about what you decide to let GO of… all of these things help build a stronger YOU, which is how you get to a lifetime of success.

As I always say: Rock on, rockstar! 🙂 Thank you for the feedback and thank you for focusing on what matters. That’s gonna have a huge impact on your journey, and I’m excited to be a small part of it.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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