Feeling Blue

Just got word I didn’t get accepted to the Casting Society of America.


My board member friend tells me I didn’t meet the “two years in casting” requirement.

Um. If I worked as casting coordinator of a TV show in February 2003, another in May 2003, and cast my first feature film in June 2003 (and have cast another dozen films, worked in casting on two more TV shows (one as full CD, mind you), and just finished casting a play), isn’t that at least two years in casting?

I’m so blue.

I know this is sooooooo not a big deal (and my friend on the board told me that she had the same issue when all she had on her resumé were indies and AFI projects), but I’m sad now. 🙁 I don’t like being sad.

Good thing it’ll pass.

Note to self: Resist temptation to be a brat and get all anti-joining. Although… hm.

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  1. Aimercat July 14, 2005 at 2:37 pm

    I still love you and I still want to take you to lunch.

  2. Col. Hogan July 14, 2005 at 6:52 pm

    Buck up, sweetie! It’s just another bill o’ dues to pay. Use the money to buy a nice salmon steak dinner.
    Warm regards…….

  3. Cliff July 15, 2005 at 12:56 am

    Don’t worry Bonnie. Imagine how I feel. Last night I called Pizza Hut and ordered a thin and crusty Supreme. They sent me Diana Ross.
    Chin up

  4. Ali July 15, 2005 at 3:24 am

    “You’re so money you don’t even know how money you are”
    And it’s true. You are such a rockstar, and this is something so trivial and silly in the long run, you’ll kick yourself someday for letting it fret you.
    But I completely understand and empathize. Look at it this way…..how many of the other members of the group have written a book themselves, let alone THREE????
    I love you. XOXO