So, I wrote this book, Self-Management for Actors. You know that, of course. Well, did you know that throughout that book, I talked about the cool stuff happening over at the website? Free SMFA Hot Sheets, ongoing conversations, and quarterly phone calls?

What?!? Yup! Our first quarterly SMFA Tune-Up call is April 11th and the only way you can join us is to register here.

I’ll be emailing details about our free call as we get closer to the big day, but please go ahead and put 2:30pm PDT Friday, April 11th on your calendar and expect greatness. If you already have questions for the call, you can pop ’em in below.

Oh, and those SMFA Hot Sheets? They’re comin’. It’s a *lot* of content and I don’t just wanna roll out part of it, so as soon as I’m done with the very last one, you’ll have access like you’ve never dreamed RIGHT HERE.

Excited to jam with so many gorgeous ninjas on the 11th! This is gonna be amazing!

Getting to share all this goodness with you, totally free, is absolutely my pleasure and I’m honored that you accept it all with such love and appreciation! You know our deal… just thank me when you hold up something gold and shiny and we’ll call it even. 😉 Hee!

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