So, I went out. Everyone there was 20. It was loud and crowded. I’m home now.
Time for scheduling auditions for Teenage Dirtbag and a report of searches, inspired by the great commnicatrix.
While I’ve had a few fun yet benign searches turn up (living in Santa Monica blog, bonnie gillespie bio, bonnie photo, and computer bon), the following are the real puzzlers.
Diane Lane breasts
How? How does the fact that I mentioned one of the lies the media spreads (“Diane Lane is 35.”) lead people to look for her boobies here?
Claire Danes nip
Now, this one I understand. I mentioned Claire Danes and Nip/Tuck in the same post. So, those boobies… okay. Although, considering the subject of the Claire Danes post (“Eat something!”), I’d say it’s not likely you’d find them. Anywhere.
Eva Eastwood
Now, I don’t even know who this person is, but she gets a lot of traffic coming to the BonBlogs. I’m going to guess it’s because I mentioned Eva Longoria and Kathryn Eastwood in the same post. Wow. Reflections on the Golden Globes can send lots of search hits here!
Now, I also like the searches of names of people I know (Greer Shephard (friend, mom to Helmut, guest at HHH, etc.), Kevan Jenson (producer of the play I recently cast), Sean McQueeney (director of the film I’m currently casting), Jake Hanover (an actor (repped by Keith’s agent) whose work I loved during the audition process on the last feature film I cast), Kate Flannery (another Origin Talent actor), Amy Ingalls (fellow Spy Notebook blogger), and Rebecca McCullough (AKA Def Jam Becca MC; my dorm-mate in Reed Hall freshman year at UGA)–who was actually searched out with “Rebecca McCullough Atlanta”). Click on any name to find the folks, best place I know of.
Kathleen Schultz blog and Origin Talent
Been getting these a lot (I guess since Keith signed with Kathleen Schultz (though I’m not sure that she has a blog) and Origin Talent in the past couple of weeks). I really liked Bonnie Gillespie and Origin, though. Were you looking for MY origin? Like planet?
And rounding out my favorites:
Spy Girl
Well, it is a Spy Notebook (celebrating six years of happy).
leaving Hollywood
NEVER! Not even now that I technically kick it 310 style. My heart probably hasn’t left Hollywood since I first moved in at the Hollywood Tower on 12 August 1993. Heck… it probably moved to Hollywood long before I did, being the Hotlanta child star I was.
kim possible fucking bonnie
What?!? I really figure this search is some friend realizing how much I yearn for really exciting searches leading people here. Couldn’t possibly be that I’ve written anything that leads folks to believe… well… I should stop there. Grad school *was* a blur, y’know.
bonnie woo
This was my favorite. Why? Well, the communicatrix has a category called Woo-Woo. Since this whole Friday Night Search Party is in homage to her brilliant searches, I figure it’s a cool little shoutout. That’s fun.
Okay. Back to audition scheduling. Lah-ti-dah.
Friday Night Search Party
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Crazy isn’t it? I got a search yesterday for the words “yawning and crying”. Third link on google. Who knew?
Who knows: maybe someone searching the web will get this page? Doubt it.
Anyway, London terror pamela anderson video poker harry potter cheap flights lance armstrong space shuttle maps baby names,
Ah, sis!!! Crazy indeed! I’ve been a bit puzzled myself this week with what people are putting in those little search windows that lead them to my blog!
For instance, this week I get…
‘Images Lyndsay Lohan’ Why? I have no idea, as I have never mentioned her in my blog or posted an image of her.
The usual MTV 70’s House stuff, including lots and lots of searches for ‘Ashley The 70’s House’ Teehee!
This one is quite weird…
‘Name of celebrity with broad face and neck’ ??? Must be the Broadrange title of my blog.
And the strangest one to date by far…
‘watching skinny “sister-in-law” nude’ WTF?
Well, what I don’t understand is why more people don’t realize that by putting your search in quotes it will yeild you more accurate results.
Love the last line there, Cliff! LOL
India Monsoon Stem Cell Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie Penguins The Seige Kaysar Big Brother Yankee Stadium Chunky Bacon Ice Cream
wait, how can you tell what people search to get to you? tell me tell me tell me
Ali the uneducated