Good News for Actors Over 40 in Toronto


The article “Watch Your Mouth” was a very good article. A reminder that we need to focus on the positive and make the changes that we need to do. Nicole’s Your Turn and your response — Bonnie to Nicole — and this whole article said it so well. We are really blessed to have you share and teach us, Bonnie. You’ve been uplifting, positive, and generous. I’m so glad you came to Toronto, Ontario, Canada last year. Thank you.

You in the States are so lucky. Your industry is so much bigger than Canada; you maybe get more support, and there are more risk-takers. I wish Canada’s industry was bigger, with more risk takers, and that more support was given. The industry is very slow right now. We depend so much on you Americans coming up here for our livelihood, but as I said to one in the agency I’m with, it’s a good thing in the sense we can’t depend upon the States. We need to make our own industry bigger. What I’m trying to say is, the industry is tough for anyone so, we must count our blessings, support one another, and fight to improve it.

On the outside of the industry, the support may not be there so we need one another. I consider the industry is precious and we must cherish it. Life is short, as I was reminded a month ago, in which I was in a life and death situation. Let’s enjoy our moments and make the best of our life. So, Bonnie as my practice is to say thank you to people right away because we may not get another chance, I’m really glad I met you and thanks.

One tidbit to check out to those readers in or near New York, when I was at the Canadian Model and Talent Convention last month, Charlie Winfield and Marion Falk from Funny Face Today Agency spoke. Marian said there is a huge demand for people over age 40. So if any of your readers are looking for an agency, check it out and see if there is still a demand. If that still is the case, this is good news for you.

Anyways, to you folks and Bonnie, enjoy your careers and let’s sail to many wonderful places. Thanks Bonnie.

Judy Thrush

Judy, I love it! You shared a great tip with the readers of The Actors Voice and I hope folks who are interested will check into it and decide if it’s a good fit for their needs. Thank you for that.

Also, thanks for your kind words about my writing and about my recent visit to Toronto. I’m really hoping to head back your way this year, because my first ever trip to Canada was just filled with badassery! Such great people! Such talent! And Toronto is a gorgeous place.

I’m glad your industry is building, and that professionals in Toronto are not relying on the United States to find a way to thrive. Truly, that is the challenge of any smaller market: To thrive at the highest possible level there is for that environment, its resources, and its talent base.

One of my students actually quoted back to me today something I always say: “We’re getting to create the Hollywood we want to be a part of, every day.” And of course, I don’t mean “Hollywood” only in the geographical sense. So, keep coming together with others in your market — wherever you may be — who agree that it IS possible to make something really wonderful out of whatever resources you have. Then do it.

Because that’s what feels really fantastic, in this business: Making it happen.

Looking forward to seeing you again when I next make my way to Toronto! ’til then, thanks for reading — and for writing in! Be well. 🙂

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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