It’s no surprise that I sprinkle a good amount of woo-woo into my pragmatic data-wrangling and mindset goodness.

Until recently, it was the kind of thing that you could spot… if *you* were enough into the woo to recognize the signs. Y’know, I’d mention that it’s Mercury retrograde or I’d say something about how my Libra moon + Libra rising overloads some of my Cancer sun personality traits. But beyond that, my true woo was a bit in the closet.

But over time, more and more of my Self-Management for Actors and creative entrepreneurial clients started asking me specifically to share some of my superpowers. Like… how is it that I *always* seem to know EXACTLY what needs to go in a BonBlast so that it lands right on time for the precise issues you’re going through? Some folks suggested I’m in cahoots with your mother… learning from her what it is that you’re going through at any particular time and then writing about how to fix that stuff up.

Nah. It’s not your mother; it’s mine.

See, Charlsie was a famous astrologer. Well, at first, she was a single woman raising an unplanned kiddo (that’d be me), trying to figure out how to make a living after having been a sew-the-family’s clothes stay-at-home housewife for 28 years and a very involved school-and-church mom to my much older brothers… and then having all that evaporate at once. She began exploring astrology to answer the questions she had about how her life could fall so completely apart with no warning… and she found that all the warning signs were right there in her chart. So she began digging deeper.

I still remember the day that one of her friends — who had come over to talk astro with my mom — put a $20 bill on our big ol’ cabinet-style TV, telling her she had a gift and should charge for the interpretation she was capable of doing, just off having someone’s birth information. In particular, her analogies and stories made relatable something that is incredibly dense and confusing otherwise. And a new business was born. In the 1970s. Off a high school diploma and a few community college courses. God bless my sweet momma’s chutzpah.

I grew up being comforted about bullies in school NOT in the way that most moms comfort their kids (“They’re just jealous, honey”) but instead with, “Now, Bonnie, you know your Venus is afflicted in Leo!”

Oddly, that was comforting to me, so tracking things like moon phases and numerology and of course Mercury’s retrograde illusion just became a part of my daily life! And over time, my clients would ask which dates in the coming month were best for networking, submitting to an agent for representation, or promoting a Kickstarter campaign to have the greatest impact. We’d begin to strategize things like the day on which the Emmy nomination process would begin for them and when to get out ahead of that scandal that we knew was about to break so it was barely a blip.

Finally, the secret was out enough that it just became a part of what I do in working with these glorious showbiz creatives all over the world! *If* you ask for it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

On Tuesday’s livestream, I’m going to share a peek into the calendar for the rest of 2019 — as well as a peek into your own lifepath *if* you ask for it — so be sure to join me with your birth info available so we can dig in on all of that. Creating Chart Harmony with you is some of my favorite jamming!

I *love* knowing things like when members of our life-changing membership Get in Gear for the Next Tier are going to be more active in the comments of the course pages, when folks are gonna require more customer service in trying to download the Self-Management for Actors audiobook, and even when there’s gonna be way more romance in my personal life. MRAWR! ๐Ÿ˜‰ And OMG, did I *ever* celebrate when our server outage happened during a lovely combination of a void moon, Aquarius moon, and 7 numerology day. Whoa! NO ONE noticed… and with that combo, of course they wouldn’t! Yay!

Join me live at 12pm PST Tuesday at Facebook, YouTube, or Periscope c/o Twitter to dig in on the rest of 2019 with an overview of the woo and how you can use it to your advantage. [REPLAY BELOW]

If you’d like to explore going deeper with me on this sort of stuff, I have a few goodies for you right here. Either way, I’m super excited to share some superpower secret weapon goodness with you and of course talk you through the last bits of Mercury retrograde this week!

Meanwhile, any questions, just pop ’em in below! Woo(-woo) HOO, y’all! ๐Ÿ˜‰

All my ninja love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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1 Comment

  1. Jackie November 19, 2019 at 7:33 am

    I love that youโ€™re sharing more of this. Of course, thatโ€™s because Iโ€™m quite woo woo myself! I was born Sept 14, 1985 at 2:44pm


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