How to Fix a Sucky Mood

Step one: Go to bed way early and sleep as long as possible before you have to get up to start your exhaustingly long day.

Step two: Check email before dashing out the door and read all of the awesome, brilliant, loving, funny, and supportive comments left at your blog from when you bitched about being rubbed the wrong way so much you feel like a new hooker’s practice dildo.


Step three:

Step four: Baby-talk kitties and have them show bellies off as if to say, “If you wanted to stay home all day and play with us, that would be okay too.”

Step five: Ask hubby to print out directions to the two locations for the day’s casting activities and don’t notice ’til you’re in the car that he used the little memo field that MapQuest provides to type love-notes.

Step six: Drive your kick-ass sixteen-year-old car really fast and zippy-like, showing all of the SUVs and Beemers how the twists and turns on Sunset west of The 405 are *really* done.

Step seven: Find a run of like five great songs in a row on various morning radio stations, all worth singing along to. Loudly.

Step eight: Have a good day of casting in which everything runs (mostly) without a hitch and after which your taste is praised and all of the BS that looked like it might go another way has washed down the RIGHT pipe after all.

Step nine: Stop by Whole Foods on the way home and pick up a salmon steak and grilled asparagus for $10.

Step ten: Blog it all up while digitizing and uploading video files of the day’s sessions (and sipping a really neat little wine you found before leaving the store).

There you have it! Blood no longer boiling (for now… ). Gotta love those emotional roller coasters. Good thing to know they continue well into your 30s and sometimes it’s just a matter of having a few big ol’ sucky days.

Followed by a great one.


Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. BrYan November 15, 2005 at 8:46 pm

    I’m very glad that you had a great day, and I’m going to have to remember that Mapquest trick, although at the moment it’d be more in the lines of the old song “I’m Going to Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter…”
    I’m gonna use Mapquest’s notes to cheer myself right up…
    And make believe it came from you
    I’m gonna write words oh so sweet
    They’re gonna knock me off my feet
    A lotta kisses on the bottom
    I’ll be glad I got ’em!

  2. Ali November 16, 2005 at 4:04 am

    awesome, honey!!!!!!! I’m so glad you were able, at least for a day, manage to snap out of your funk.

  3. chip woods November 16, 2005 at 9:15 am

    I have been in a funk for several days now so I will see if leaving love notes to myself will snap me out of it. Mine is partially because of the new diet and partially due to girls so I may have to get the grilled asparagus also.

  4. PameLa November 16, 2005 at 4:32 pm

    Isn’t it a comfort to know that when bad times are invading, this too shall pass. I love you, you strong person.