…you probably already know this. It’s new to me.
Stuffed animals require good-night kisses too.
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I work with the stars. I'm an Emmy-honored casting director, the author of "Self-Management for Actors," and the creator of Chart Harmony.
They get EVERYTHING that little boys get and get into Bon.
Including into trouble.
‘Teddy’ has broken a few things in his younger days. Wiser, a bunchier bottom, no nose and dulled eyes, he is more ‘mature’ these days, dosen’t get into near as many scrapes and still occupies a special place in the ‘boys’ room. Enjoy.
And tea parties. They absolutely adore tea parties! Teehee!
Even now, at 28, I still at times cuddle and dote with kisses on the stuffed animals of my youth that I still kept throughout all these years. Of COURSE they require kisses! Of COURSE it’s the job of the parent or parental figure to share the kisses along with the kid.