I’m just gonna choose to see the positive.

It’s been a rough 12 hours. News of stolen cars, stolen purses, stolen cell phones, and the burning down of my stepfather’s house (yes, the house he and my mother shared until her death six years ago).

Part of me wants to just cry. Use this ball of emotions as an excuse to launch into my annual “I miss my mom” funk. And another part of me wants to remind that part of me that in all of this “bad” news I’ve gotten in the past half-day, not one person has been hurt. Only inconvenienced.

And that’s what I’m going to focus on. Everyone is okay. Lost stuff is just “stuff.” Sure, there’s supposedly “irreplaceable” stuff in some cases, but all that is truly irreplaceable is our very spirit… and I choose to raise mine up find peace in all of this.

And continue my work. Embracing the fact that I am very lucky to have good work to do. It’s a blessing. And that everyone is okay is what matters.

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1 Comment

  1. Bonnie Gillespie December 19, 2015 at 12:13 am


    You know, I agree. I’m really not pissed…you’d think I’d be, but after everything that’s happened this year family wise… I realize that all my stolen stuff…is just stuff. It can be replaced. People can not.

    I am however extremely that it wasn’t a mugging. I’m thankful I’m not living in fear. I’ve chosen not to dwell on the what if’s.

    However! If you have some person come in on Fri to read for Amy..and they have a fabulously broken down script, tabbed with colors which change based on her emotion throughout the script… Get them. It’s mine!

    Looking forward to seeing you on Fri!

    Posted by: Shea at December 13, 2006 3:04 PM


    I am sending you a hug from Wisconsin!! A great big, Polar Bear hug!!!!

    Posted by: drc at December 13, 2006 3:21 PM


    Oh man, Bon – what a rough ride! But you’re right, at least everyone is OK physically.

    Especially big hugs to your step-dad, because the thought of losing a house to fire scares me. An internet friend lost hers two years ago, it’s a horrible scenario.

    Posted by: Helen at December 14, 2006 11:17 AM


    You know, it’s still okay if the ball of emotions still come out. Only natural, considering what’s happened. Thankfully, no one was hurt.

    Hugs from me, too.

    Posted by: Hal at December 14, 2006 11:33 AM


    Yikes. So sorry about your stepfather’s house. 🙁

    Posted by: Ellenlisa at December 16, 2006 9:51 PM


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