Hello beautiful people of Expansive Capacity! Happy Woo-Woo Wednesday, boundless ones!

This month, we’re gonna hang out with Jupiter… the planet of fortune, luck, abundance, and gifts.

(Because who couldn’t use a little more good fortune these days?)

We’re gonna look at what house Jupiter was in when you were born. (If you’re in Aligned Advantage, you know we’re also looking at what house Jupiter is *currently* in, in your chart, and where it’ll be next [and when]. Woo HOO!)

Here’s how to figure out where Jupiter was when you were born: Do your chart at a site like Astro (choose natal chart under free horoscopes) and in that cool wheel o’ YOU, look for a symbol that looks something like a very cursive number 4. Like this!

jupiter by margit glassel

As usual, I offer up my chart as an example. Take a look at the numbers closest in on the wheel, running counter-clockwise from 1 to 12.

bonnie gillespie astrological chart
Click to enbiggen.

Using this as a guide, you can see my “cursive 4” showing up just under the Moon symbol, right there in the 1st house. That means, when I was born, Jupiter was in my 1st house.

Once you’ve found the house Jupiter was in when you were born, use this guide to help you discern what this means about your fortune, abundance, luck, and all those glorious gifts!

Born with Jupiter in the 1st house? You’re an optimistic, positive, kind, fair, authentic, independent leader. Your gifts show up in your very identity.

Born with Jupiter in the 2nd house? You’re a confident, successful, lucky, lover of things you can enjoy with your five senses. Your gifts show up in your values.

Born with Jupiter in the 3rd house? You’re a curious, gregarious, social, collaborative, creative extrovert who loves to plan. Your gifts show up in your ability to network with others.

Born with Jupiter in the 4th house? You’re a comfortable, security-loving homebody who relies on your instincts and strong values. Your gifts show up in your home.

Born with Jupiter in the 5th house? You’re a playful, generous, frisky, fun-loving, talented, creative spirit who brings joy to all things. Your gifts show up when you’re having fun.

Born with Jupiter in the 6th house? You’re an honest, giving, hard-working, virtuous provider who seeks balance between life and work. Your gifts show up in your daily tasks.

Born with Jupiter in the 7th house? You’re a diplomatic, fair, charming, naturally peaceful person who does very well in partnerships. Your gifts show up in your relationships.

Born with Jupiter in the 8th house? You’re a strategic, unflappable, powerful, financially secure problem-solver who loves research. Your gifts show up in your bank account (you couldn’t be unlucky if you tried).

Born with Jupiter in the 9th house? You’re a wise, philosophical, inspiring free spirit who has a natural thirst for knowledge and desire to share what your travels teach you. Your gifts show up in your quest for learning.

Born with Jupiter in the 10th house? You’re a naturally resourceful, status-seeking, achievement-loving manifester who may have a higher calling for creating massive impact. Your gifts show up in your career.

Born with Jupiter in the 11th house? You’re a social, altruistic, innovative community leader who loves a good cause, especially if it elevates others. Your gifts show up in your friendships.

Born with Jupiter in the 12th house? You seem to escape any trouble you might happen to get into. You’re a generous, spiritually-centered benefactor who enjoys solitude. Your gifts show up in mysticism.

We’ll continue to jam about this and our April topic of Your Relationship with Boundaries in the comments at the dojo. If you haven’t already done so, head over there to register for our Zoom mastermind!

All my love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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