“My Dad” by Quinn

Moments ago, Quinn pulled a Father’s Day card from his suitcase. It had a series of blanks, which he had filled in.
I love my Dad because…
My Dad is sily (silly),
My Dad is fun,
My Dad is funny,
but most of all…
I love my Dad because he loves me.
My Dad is the most wonderful daddy in the world!
He is as handsome as a baby trdle (turtle).
He is as strong as a rino (rhino).
He can lift 179 pounds and is 6 feet tall.
His favorite food is ceril (cereal).
His favorite activity is wachingtv (watching TV).
In the good ole days, when daddy was little, he used to play arond (around).
I think my daddy looks funny when he acts werd (weird).
I wish my daddy would play with me everyday!
I would not trade my addy for anything!

File this under “How to melt a Marine.” Awww.

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  1. Anna June 21, 2006 at 2:33 pm

    I LOVE THIS!!! QUINN is beautiful, and I can’t wait to see that love muffin.
    Once Lucy did one of these and one of the lines said “My Mom is good at…’cleaning the flor.'”

  2. Bon June 21, 2006 at 2:44 pm

    Anna, we can’t WAIT for the NoHo cookout! Now, should we bring the prenup for the kids?
    When Keith read the favorite activity line, he said, “Ouch.” I’m guessing “Cleaning the flor” did that for you too? 😉 Hee! I love how kids see adults. It’s fascinating!

  3. babes June 21, 2006 at 5:47 pm

    awwww this is almost adorable enough to make me want to have a kid in three hundred years!!
    i’ve been offline since last night – who knows when wireless at home will work again???
    maybe i should take this as a sign to WRITE MORE!
    but not tonight, i’m going to slap & tickle!!

  4. Aleta June 21, 2006 at 11:22 pm

    Kids know how to make your heart melt don’t they? Give him a big hug for being such a cool kid.


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