Okay, the brilliance…

was something like this:
Chip – the Chiplist entered my life at a time when I couldn’t handle that kind of volume. Hell, I couldn’t even get out of bed. Do this: go to Somesuch-Whatnot using the webbased option and only read my posts, they’re the only ones that matter. That’ll get you all set for the volume.
Yes, I’m completely jealous that you got to hang out with our kids. I am terribly nostalgic.
Yes, you need at least two rooms, as the bathroom is no good place for a self-respecting comic book collection. You will only find a place like that in your price range if you buy a building downtown and rent to yourself. It’s just too prime, that real estate.
Why why why why cannot Blogger recognize that I want to stay logged in and what the eff is that box for that says “remember me” if it’s just false advertising anyway? But I’m pouting at Blogger until they give me back that 1/2 hour I spent being brilliant.
You can buy my fiancĂ© a gift certificate if it’s something that will help lower his heartrate if he gets cast on The Chair. We need that $200k. BTW, if anyone wants to buy a house in Grand Rapids, MI, that’s totally cyber-ready and on an 18-hole golf course, be sure to let me know.
Susan – I am sorry I referred to your Bennie as if he were Tina’s Bennie. It won’t happen again. Oh, and 90210 dreams are so not lame! FX has been my friend these past two days, as Brenda has been arrested for breaking into the animal lab and freeing the captive cats. Wow. That’s some major acting.
Trevor – Happy birthday, Sunday! 28, eh? Enjoy! And yes, I so totally know the joy that is more RAM for the iBook. Pep, pep, pep… but be careful if/when you decide to change out for a larger hard drive. Keith snapped the track pad’s cable when he removed the faceplate. Dammit. Does anyone know anyone who can get me a new faceplate for my tangerine baby? Sniffle.
Today… long day. Went to the paper and picked up checks for three columns, then to Sundance for a little post-festival archive work. Spent the rest of the day doing emails. A gazillion. Here’s a little-known fact, BTW: When you send out your Year-End Thoughts to your friends and family (or, say, 500 contacts in your address book), approximately 10% of those people will follow the link to the page and read the words that indicate you are engaged. When you send out an email to friends and family asking them to check out a dear friend’s new book (and casually mention that said friend will be conducting your previously-revealed wedding), 95% of the recipients will email back saying, “What?! You’re engaged?! Tell me everything!” And, having OCD, you (read: me) will answer each and every email personally.
That’s all I have. I am beaten down by the whip that is the login timeout of Blogger. Console me, someone.

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