It’s Bloggin’ time!
While the book happily flies through the machine that is Transcontinental Printing, I am enjoying (finally) SLEEP. Yes! For an entire four… or is it five?… days now, I’ve actually slept 10-11 hours in a row. That’s huge! Yay!
Today, Keith came running home from the P.O. Box with this money order.
Yep… The First Sale of Casting Qs: A Collection of Casting Director Interviews. Wow! So awesome! It’s just really bizarre that someone I’ve never met has just sent me money for my words. I could get used to this! Wheeeee!
Management is going great. Definitely gearing up a lot more. Getting requests from people in casting to “send over my people,” which I happily do. Today, two of my peeps got called in for an audition based on my submission of their headshots. That’s amazingly gratifying for me, as I love to do anything to help others get work (yes, I know, an audition is not “work,” in the minds of most, but for me, it’s a “yay,” just the same).
Keith and I attended the CSA Artios Awards ceremony Thursday night. It was grand! As for celeb-spotting/spying, here’s what I can report: Joey Lauren Adams, Catherine Bell, Orlando Jones, Christopher McDonald, Chi McBride, Megan Mullally, and David E. Kelley. Pretty good list. I only saw Tommy Lee at the Best of FEM show Sept. 30th. This was definitely more celeb-intensive. Of course, the people I’m most interested in chattin’ wid are the casting directors. Booked for later this week, the Artios Award-winning team that cast Scrubs. I’m excited!
Keith’s anniversary of LA Livin’ is Wednesday. We went ahead and celebrated yesterday. He baked a cake. It was yummy!
Blog Response Time (I know, I said weekly, but I gots stuffs to say.)
Trevor’s Spytop RULES. I really like it. Of course, I looked at the list at first and thought, “Hmm. Am I really that old?” not even noticing that the date was not my birthday and that AGE didn’t refer to MY age. Yeah. I’m bright like that. I really like that the Blogs don’t open up in new windows. That’s way cool for my happy Netscape life.
Courtney: I’m thrilled your TMJ visit proved to you you’re not a hypochondriac. Yay! And I love the idea of superheroes with lives/lies to maintain. You ARE a mild-mannered copy editor by day! LOL. I understand the not wanting to turn down work for fear of not being called again… but I also know that I HAVE TO turn down work, at some point, because I just say yes to way too much. You’ll know when it’s crossed a line. ‘Til then, say yes to the work you enjoy! Hey, how was the asparagus pizza? Thank you for your description of Xander. I feel better now. I’m sorry my Blog blinks for you. What browser and OS do you use? Just wonderin’. Oh, and your pumpkins are GORGEOUS. I really like the white one with stars and marbles. You are SO creative!
Stephanie W.: Great new template! I have no Halloween costume ideas either. Keith and I walked down to Hollywood Blvd. last year for the big parade and just general people-watching. It was a huge scene. I’m guessing we’ll do that again this year, rather than try to dress up. I should try to remember to take photos this year. Oh, thank you for the David Sedaris recap. Very cool. Oh, and I SO get the Cheese Nip finger/typing thing. LOL.
Shelley: I want to see the slipcover! I’m so proud of you!
Chip: I think it’s super cool to hum the theme to Alias while downloading files from your car parked within the wireless cloud. I swear, if that’s not James Bond Come to Athens, GA, I don’t know what is!
Big Mike: Great idea about a movie setting having nothing to do with the story. I do recommend that you start with a short, though, just because you will have a less monumental task getting funding for your feature if you have a good short to shop around. I hear ya on the self-search turning up weird things online. There are still replies I’ve made to Ed-Tech Listservs in 1997 coming up on searches of my name! Oh, and thanks for showing me what my Blog looks like in OmniWeb. I’m glad you aren’t having trouble seeing the Blog, even if the color change dealy doesn’t work.
Trevor: I LOVE that the “order is rearranged with no sense of what is fair or just” with the SpyTop. Just frickin’ awesome! Oh, I just quoted you and then read that you think public Blog bloggers should ask permission before quoting or referencing Spies by name. I’m okay with that. Would you prefer I leave you out? I had to go public with the Blog b/c I was just having a really hard time keeping up with everyone in all the various places I kept in touch with people. I’m sorry. Let me know if I need to go back and delete references to you or anything. I’ll totally understand. Oh, but I don’t understand what you mean about “links given by Blogs deserve a back link.” What’s that?
The new Munchies Blog template is gorgeous! Ooh!
Jocelyn: What is the “great assignment” you gave to your students. I want to know! I’m glad you love the colors of my Blog. Yay! Worth keeping, right there. 😉 Re: learning darts in Athens… you GO, girl! That’s where I learned (and I played on a league). It was SO much fun. Dang, I want a dart board. Do they even sell the “real” ones anymore or are they all those silly electronic ones with plastic darts?
Okay, that’s it for responses today.
I need to get back to organizing and assembling the second book. This was my project for the currently-at-the-printer book during Memorial Day weekend. I figure this is a good pace for getting a new book out every six months. This assembling process is a whole bunch o’ work, though. Hard to filter out the stuff that doesn’t need to be there… it all seems so relevant, but dang, who wants a 700 page book?!?
Oh, the panel discussion I was going to moderate on Oct. 23rd has been cancelled (sniffle), but… drumroll… I’ll be moderating a panel of casting directors at Take One Bookstore on Wednesday, Nov. 6th, 7:30pm. Woo hoo! I’m very excited. I sent out a little email to a few of my favorite casting directors and the response has been excellent! We’re going to have a blast. I’ll post the official roster and press release once it’s all… well… official.
Okey Doke, Artichoke (shout out to viv)
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