Okey Dokey, Smokey

I’m considering sprucing up the Blog using some links and anchors and hooks and whatnots… but I have no real idea how it is that people do these things, nor do I have a lot of time to investigate. I may just join one of those pay services (oy) in order to have the cool things. But then that involves paying. Hm.
Last night, we went to see Faith in a screening of NBC’s Significant Others, followed by a Q&A with the show creators and the cast. Very cool. I’m excited. This is going to be a huge hit, whether it airs on NBC or Bravo. NBC gets first rights, since their studio is producing it in conjunction with Bravo, but either way, it’ll hit the air in January and the world will be a better place for it. Dang funny. It’s the kind of show about which you would say, “It’s really well-written,” except that it’s done in improvisational form. So, I guess that means, “It’s really well-cast and the actors are all brilliant.” Yes. That’s true.
Moving forward with the new book this week. Looks like we’re going to have to do some fund-raising, though, in order to get it printed. Dangit. But, I guess knowing we’ve already sold (through pre-orders, at least) more copies than Casting Qs sold in its first six months this year means that really we’re asking for investments, rather than donations. I just hate being in debt to anyone, y’know? Sucks. I’m going to have to see about creativity. Ooh… lotto! 40 million, eh?
Tonight is the benefit performance of Our Funniest FEM, again starring Faith, plus a handful of other gals I was able to bring in for auditions during casting of A Dull House. Very exciting! Meanwhile, I’m working like mad on finishing the book before heading back into the office for casting on the Fox show (I declined the job offered for the period between the three-day stint I did last week and the start-up date for the six-week job I’ve already accepted, starting in August, BTW). Still doing the web work over at Roxbury and working to get Keith on one of these upcoming cop shows. Still doing career consulting here and there. I really love that. It’s a delightful experience.
Oh, I must say… major thank you to dear Jamie Caples for all the proofreading work she’s doing on the new book. Wow! So very very very helpful. I owe you, sugar.
Speaking of sugar… still on Atkins. Still down 30 pounds. Started a new exercise routine today, which should help me jumpstart another 30-pound loss. *fingers crossed*
The Shorts Fest is still cooking. Thrilled to have a lot of great screeners lined up to help out. Hollywood Happy Hour is still on hiatus. Wow… what else? I feel like I’m catching up on a lot of stuff. Hm.
Okay, that’ll do for now. Next time I post, Keith and I will have won the lotto, funded the book and the purchase of my new car, plus start making our plans for the big home purchase. If we don’t win, we’re still moving forward with all of that… just on a little slower climb. But, it’s still movement in that direction. I LOVE my life! Truly!

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