Seems, just as 40 is the new 30, panic is the new migraine. I have all of the symptoms that usually come with a major migraine, but no pain. I’m beginning to realize that migraines, as painful as they are, suck MAINLY b/c of all of the other stuff.

I’m deleting the rest of this entry. I’m ready to be over this. Sure, it may come again — there does seem to be a pattern here — but for right this second, I want to be past this. So, I’m going to stop talking about it.
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Oh Bonnie, I am so sorry about this. It is no fun. When I was on bedrest with Jack, I had recurring panic attacks. I finally had to take medication for them – which was a difficult decision because of the pregnancy – but I couldn’t handle them anymore and I know Andy couldn’t take it. Panic attacks are horrible.
It is interesting that you mention them being connected to migraines. In my quest to be migraine free, I have been a patient at the Faulkner Headache Clinic. One of the things I have learned there is that migraines are really about changes in your brainstem and not really headaches. The headache part is actually a side effect of the changes that happen in the brain. So you can have migraines with no headache. I also learned that the medical community knows very little about migraines and don’t really seem that interested in learning more. It is mostly about managing your migraines – how about getting rid of them, people!?!
Hope you feel better, Bonnie. From what I hear, panic attacks are . . . well, there’s not a word for how horrible and scary they are. Take care of yourself and remember this too shall pass.
I love you.