Please Show Us Good and Bad Audition Footage!

I’ve been reading your articles religiously for the past six months and they are very helpful. You mentioned recently that you are trying to post actual video auditions of those who really just nail it to give us an idea of what you see. I’m just writing you to encourage you to do so — please — it would extremely helpful. I’ve gone to many paid “Actors Connections” and seen peers do their auditions on tape, but rarely do I get real examples of someone doing a great job. It’s helpful to see.

I think I may have hit a snag on this one. Since writing that particular column, in which I said…

I’d like to select a few outstanding auditions from each of my 2006 sessions and, with the permission of the actors themselves, showcase the best of the best here, in my column. This way, actors who’ve not had the opportunity to intern in casting offices or work as camera operators or readers during sessions could begin to see what I’m talking about, when I say that we sometimes know “it” when we see it.

…I’ve been asking actors whether they’d grant permission for me to share their excellent audition footage here.

I’m being met with a resounding, “No way!”

Crud. I was so sure this would be a great idea (and it probably still is a great idea, just not one I will be able to execute as planned) and that actors would love to share their toys. Oops. Turns out, even actors who are assured I would only be selecting the BEST audition footage and showcasing their performances in a positive light, in the name of education, are just not willing to let that footage roam free on the Internet.

Now, this doesn’t mean I’m giving up on this goal! It just means I may not have as much footage to share as I’d like. I’m certain there are actors who will agree to this; once sessions get going on the two features I’m casting right now. We’re still in the “checking availability and interest” stage with name actors at this point, so it’ll be another few weeks before traditional casting sessions begin, for me. I’ll be sure to keep you posted on whether this “sharing audition footage” plan is go for takeoff, once I’ve seen some progress on the issue.

Either way, thanks for the feedback! It helps me know that this project is worth pursuing, as it would be useful for actors to see excellent audition footage. Not too long ago, I sent a manager some audition footage on a client of hers and she sent an email back saying, “Couldn’t you just watch him all day?” Yes, yes I could. That’s why I’ve cast him. Twice.

Great auditions really are a thing of beauty. I hope I get to share some with you this year.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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